Chapter 4 - Expelled

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(Artwork by Th3Unkn0wns)

Mono watched as the Teacher stomped toward them, her neck slowly stretching outward toward the two. The sound of their impending doom getting closer and closer revived his survival instincts, grabbing Six's hand and pulling her in the other direction.

He scanned his environment as they were running, looking for some kind of protection. He looked behind himself and saw the Teacher's remorseless eyes holding the two in a death grip. They had some distance between them and death, which meant more time to view their surroundings. He saw a door that was slightly ajar, a ray of light protruding from it. He ran after it, keeping a tight grip on Six's hand. 

They ran into the room, Mono staying behind to close the door, buying them some extra seconds to hide. They were in what looked like a laboratory, a human anatomy model towering over the two. Countless see-through jars with different types of organs contained inside of them were scattered across the wooden tables. Several posters on the wall depicting the insides of a frog were pinned against the dark blue wallpaper. He looked over at Six who was hiding under a drawer, hastily motioning over to him to come next to her.

He ran over and slid under the drawer just as the door to the room opened. The Teacher darted her eyes across the room with an unsettling grin stained on her face. She walked over to a cabinet hung on the wall and opened it. Realizing they weren't in there, she slammed it shut. She turned around and expanded her neck across the laboratory. 

Mono cringed at the disgusting noise that she produced as she retracted her neck back into place. He knew that she wasn't going to leave the room until she had found them, and he also knew that she had a vicious, quick attack. Could he even consider trying to fight her? He wouldn't stand a chance against that horrific monster. He looked over at Six, maybe she had an idea?

She sat against the drawer's leg, curled up in a ball, her head buried in her knees. He crouched down and slowly walked toward her. He sat down and turned his head to look at her again. She had raised her head from her knees, her eyes on him now.

"You do have a plan, right?" She whispered, her voice shaky.

He looked out again, desperately searching for something. He saw a vent in the ceiling, but it was too high up to reach. Then, he thought for a second. He looked back over at her and dug into his pockets.

"Yeah, I think I got something..."

He finally felt something solid in his left pocket. A round piece of bread that he had gotten from the kitchen just in case he needed a little snack. Thankful he didn't eat it, he peaked out from under the drawer. The Teacher was rummaging through a closet, moving various jackets out of the way.

"No better time than the present."

He scooted out from under the drawer and threw the piece of bread directly at the vent. It made a little thud, but it was enough to draw the Teacher's attention to it. Quickly, he crawled back under the drawer. The Teacher extended her neck, pushing her head past the vent grate, peeking inside. Quietly, Mono held his hand out to Six, which she accepted, getting up onto her feet. 

They slowly walked over to the closed door, but Mono couldn't get a grip on the side of the door. He looked up at the door handle, which he knew was too high, even if they were to stack on one another. He looked over at the chair closest to them, realizing what he had to do. 

"Hey," Mono whispered at Six, who glanced over at him while still trying to pry at the side of the door.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, why do you ask-"

Mono began scooting a large wooden chair over to the door, creating an insanely loud squeaking sound. The Teacher shrieked, but her head still digging around in the vent, giving them a chance to escape. Six ran over and pulled the chair with him, careless of the commotion they were causing. Their hearts were racing, adrenaline distracting them from their immense fear. As soon as they were within jumping distance of the door, Mono climbed up. The door handle was still out of reach! 

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