Chapter 9 - The Doctor

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(Artwork by Th3Unkn0wns)

Darkness. It enveloped Mono completely, sucking him into its inescapable grasp. It felt like it had been years since he had seen light. Since he had felt something. It was like his brain completely ceased to function, but he felt every second of it. 

Or did he? Was this all a dream? Or was it all real? He couldn't tell. Mono tried to open his eyes, wanting to just get a little glimpse of the outside world.


Somebody called his name.

"Mono, wake up..."

The voice grew more demanding.


He tried to speak, but the words ceased to come out. Mono tried to open his eyes, and he succeeded. He barely could make out Six knelt in front of him. She was shaking him repeatedly, but Mono couldn't do anything to show her he was alive. All he could do was watch.

"Mono?! Mono, wake up! Mono!"

She kept shaking his body, he kept trying to show a sign of responsiveness but his body completely refused. He slipped out of consciousness again, the last thing he heard was the sound of Six's tears. He stayed in the black world for a while, not able to feel or see anything other than darkness. He eagerly waited for another opportunity to see into the outside world. 

And that opportunity eventually arrived. He felt the urge to open his eyes once again, so he did. He once again slightly opened his eyes and saw Six holding him in her arms. Mono watched her determined face as she carried him toward an unknown destination in the pouring rain. He could make out distant thunder, and he felt a cold chill run through his entire body as the freezing rain poured down on him, but he still couldn't move.

He looked back up at Six, who was looking down at him. Her eyes widened and her face went completely red and she looked away. Mono was confused, why was she flustered all of a sudden?

"I'm not wearing my bag, am I..."

He felt a raindrop hit his face, confirming his suspicion.

"Damn it, what if she knows about my father..."

Mono's consciousness once again slipped away, closing his eyes once again and returning to...

"Where... am I..."

He was in what looked like a theatre, a large red curtain hung over a giant wooden stage. He was sitting in one of the hundreds of chairs. Mono looked around, seeing multiple disfigured humanoid figures sitting next to him. He was shaking, squirming around trying to get out of the chair he was sitting in. But he was stuck to it as if he was strapped down and forced to watch the theatre.

The disfigured figure next to him turned their head over to face him. Mono turned around and held back a scream, looking at their repulsive facial features.

"Who... are... you?!"

Mono physically cringed when the figure cracked its joints and returned to its sitting position, facing forward toward the theatre. He realized there was no point in fighting it, he might as well figure out what was going to happen next. Mono tried to relax, but his fear kept getting worse and worse. Was he going to be trapped in here forever? Would he see Six ever again?

Suddenly, a haunting melody began to play. The lights in the theatre shined on a heavily malnourished creature who was playing the piano. They played the same four notes over and over again as a loud horn played in the background. Another sound began to play, this time a loud knocking noise rhythmically played on the piano's fourth note. Mono quaked and cringed at the awful sight, squirming around in his chair some more. 

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