Chapter 19 - Heart to Heart

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(Artwork by AnimeGeorge2001)

"You have so much to see, Mono."

The man raised his hand straight out in front of him, warping the world around him with a flick of his wrist. The TV that Mono used to get Six out safely disappeared behind me.

"Well, no going back now-"

"You won't need to go back anytime soon."

Mono's eyes widened.

"What?! You can read my mind!?"

"How else would I have figured out your plan?"

The boy looked confused, staring up at his father who was being rather friendly now.

"I know what you're going to do."

He extended his fingers outward, forming multiple TVs around him.

"You're going to blow up the reactor, and then you'll destroy the tower, getting out of the city."

He displayed a video on the TV screen of the Signal Tower getting destroyed, collapsing to the floor. Mono was amazed by it, walking up to the screen with his jaw dropped to the floor. He was very confused, however, if his father knew about his plan to destroy the tower, why was he being so friendly with him?

"What's stopping you from you just... killing me right now?"

Mono turned away from the screen, facing his father as he sighed.

"Do you really think I'm THAT sadistic? I mean, really?"

"Yes. I do."

The man turned away, rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

"You KILLED my mother, and then blamed it on ME! What other reason would you do that for other than to-"

"I'm sorry."

"That's all you have to say for yourself!?"

His father took a deep breath in, closing his eyes as his face turned genuinely sorrowful.

"It... it was in the moment. I couldn't... no... I wasn't thinking straight!"

His father knelt, Mono seeing visible tears forming on his face.

"She and I... we were arguing... she wanted to cancel production of the tower because she wanted some of the power, and I... I was stressed and I got carried away... I hit her... and... she..."

His voice became shakey as he struggled to keep himself together.

"And worst of all... I BLAMED IT ON YOU! I FRAMED MY OWN CHILD! GOD..."

The man covered his hands with his face as he began to sob uncontrollably.


"Shh... hey, hey!"

Mono tried to calm his father down as he cried uncontrollably into his hands. He found himself holding back tears himself as guilt began to overwhelm him. For all of these years, he pinned all of what happened to him on his father.

"It's okay, Dad, it's okay! Please... just stop crying!"

"No... no... it's not okay... I'm a horrible person that deserves to die!"

"I forgive you! Okay!?"

His father looked at Mono, his face displaying immense shock.

"You... what..?"

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now