Chapter 18 - Infiltration

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(Artwork by Th3Unkn0wns)


Mono shook his head as he landed face-first on the hard wooden floorboards. Six didn't trip while going through the portal like he did, giggling a little as she held a hand out for Mono. He scoffed, accepting her help and getting up onto his feet.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, thanks." 

"Where are we?"

Six inquired, looking around at her surroundings.

"Not sure, I don't recognize this place at all..."

Mono was confused, this was not the place he had envisioned while teleporting them at all. Bookshelves that were so tall they touched the roof surrounded them, along with vases held up by wooden pillars and multiple books laid out along the floor as if they had been dumped out. A long red carpet was rolled out across the room, ending at a wooden door that was coincidentally just their size. The wooden floor creaked with every step they took, only making the atmosphere even worse for the two. However, the place seemed, once again, strangely familiar to Mono. 

It felt like he had been at this exact place a few hours ago, but he couldn't recall being in this place at all at the same time. Mono picked up a red book laid out on the floor, flipping through its pages and finding not a single word in it. Every single page was blank.

"This... doesn't make any sense..."

He dropped the book back onto the floor, trying to piece the scene together.

"It's like they... tried to imitate a library?"

"Hey, Mono!"

He turned to face Six who was at the wooden door looking inside the next room.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Did the inside of the tower look like a forest, or..."


Mono quickly ran over to Six, looking into the room past the wooden door. It appeared to be some kind of forest, vegetation growing around the walls along with tall trees that formed similarly to the room before it, going in a straight line toward another wooden door at the end.

"No... no, it didn't..."

Mono was now insanely confused.

"My father's playing tricks on us isn't he..."

He knew his father had the ability to warp the reality around him with the flex of his fingers, but what was he trying to achieve her exactly? Recreating a library, and then a forest...

"Oh god..."

Mono's jaw dropped to the floor at the realization of his father's true goal.

"He's recreating the places we went to, isn't he... first the school's library, now the forest?! Damn him!"

"What's on your mind, Mono?"

Six had a concerned look on her face as she looked at Mono who had an even more concerned face.

"This is the forest, where we encountered that hunter with the shotgun, remember?"

"Wait... you're totally right..."

Six displayed a worried expression on her face along with Mono as they both realized what exactly was going on.

"Then, that must mean..."


"Oh no..."

Out of the trees came a familiar opponent along with his guard dog. Bear traps began to fly everywhere as the hunter aimed his shotgun directly at the two standing in the doorway. Mono pulled Six away and slammed the door shut, the two catching their breaths as the sound of the shotgun going off and a hole being formed in the wall above them sending chills down their spines.

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