Chapter 15 - The Viewers

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(Artwork by sfm_animaker87)

Mono scowled, annoyed with his horrible luck. The one place he wished he'd never have to enter ever again.

"The damn Signal Tower..."

He looked over at Six who was walking along the sidewalk, waiting for him.

"God, what am I gonna tell her?!"

He knew the risk she was going to be put at if he were to bring her along with him to disable the Signal Tower once and for all, but he also knew that she wouldn't just let him do that kind of a task all by himself.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell her... no I have to tell her. She won't let me go by myself, but..."

Mono looked back at the Signal Tower that was still surging with electricity, just like it used to. The power to an entire city in one singular tower.

"She can handle herself, Mono... stop worrying about it and ask her."

Glancing back at Six, he built up the courage and decided he'd at least tell her about it.

"Six, I, uh... need to tell you something important." 

She instantly looked up, her eyes meeting his.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I think I might have found a way to get us out of the city."

"Really? How?" Six's interest was immediately peaked.

"This fence is what's keeping us from getting out of here, and it's powered by that." He pointed at the giant tower that loomed over every building in the city.

"We have to power off the fence, and then we can get out of this city for good-"

"How are we going to power it off, though?" Six looked around. "Is there a switch around here or something..?"

Mono sighed and reluctantly began to explain.

"The fence is powered by the giant tower over there, so we have to get inside of the tower and, uh..." Mono imitated a big explosion with his hands. "... poof! You know what I mean?"

"Sure." Six giggled a little at Mono's imitation and began to walk toward the Signal Tower. "What are we waiting for?" 

"Um, you don't have to go, by the way. It might be really dangerous, but I can do it alone."

"Hm..?" Six looked confused.

"All I'm saying is if you don't want to go with me just tell me. I won't take any offense if you don't want to, in fact, I'd kind of prefer it."

"Please say no, please say-"

"Of course I'm going! You're not getting away from me that easily."

"Haha, yeah..." Mono looked down at the floor, a sad expression forming on his face.

"Damn it..."

"What's wrong?" Six walked to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing... just, thinking..."

Mono was now wishing he hadn't told her about it at all, but deep down he knew that he had no choice but to tell her. He kept telling himself that it was going to be fine, that his father was long gone and they would hopefully have little trouble disabling the tower, but he couldn't shake off the memory of the alarm that sounded from the tower that one time while he was going to confront the brute.

"Who's operating the tower, no, WHAT is operating it..?"

He stared up at the tower he used to call home.

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