Chapter 23

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I realize you will all hate me after this chapter but, hopefully you guys will forgive me in time.

Percy's POV-

When we heard Jarvis say there were monsters headed this way we started to get ready. Demigods put on their armor, Shadowhunters tightened their gear. Wizards, well they're always prepared. The Avengers put on their 'suits', except for Dr. Banner, he decided to wait. Mania got her bow out and Loki had his spear. The Doctor pulled out...a screwdriver. I walked over and handed him a dagger, "Just in case," I said when he was about to ask why. He nodded and took it. Hopefully we will end this war soon. I walked up to the roof of the tower. I looked to where the army of monsters was. I told Jarvis to tell all archers to meet me up here. In a few minutes the monsters where closer but I now had a large group of archers. "Okay, so what we need to do is shoot the enemy from up here. We have to use both regular metal and other metals because not only Greek monsters are down there, there are also demons, deatheaters, and a few other things. Be brave, be strong, and shoot strait. Now whenever you're ready!" I shouted out to them and shot the first arrow into the army headed our way. When I saw that they were doing good I left Mania in charge. I jumped over the side of the building and landed gracefully next to everyone who wasn't on the roof. They were being lead by Nico. They cheered as he spoke. I joined in and he motioned me forward.
"Your turn," he whispered.
I turned to the crowd, "I know all of you have been through war, many which I had participated in, so I know what you all are capable of. I can't guarantee that we'll all come out alive but I can say that I believe each and everyone of you has a chance to do great. Now when I say go I want everyone to work together to win this battle. If it works than everlasting friendships may be formed. Now go!" They cheered and ran towards the army headed towards us.
I was at the front with Nico when he stopped me suddenly. He pulled me a little closer, "I want to do this now in case something happens." Then he did the most surprising thing and something I never expected him to do. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back and after a short amount of time we pulled away.
I pecked his lips one last time and pulled away, "We can continue this later. Right now we need to win a battle." We charged after the army we had formed. Once again we were in front. We carved a path through the opposing army. Everyone followed us then, attacked from the middle. When the army was almost gone we had already lost 10 people. Mainly campers. Halfway through the battle more people on our side started to show up. We were winning. I looked around. Harry and Ginny were fighting Voldemort. I sent a Shadowhunter nearby to go slit his throat. A bunch of demigods had surrounded Kronos, and we're trying to kill him. Maia snuck up and jumped on him, turning into a wolf and ripping his throat out. As he was dying he managed to cut her with his scythe. At least she died an honorable death and took out one of the greater enemies. I looked in another direction to see Sebastian sitting on the ground crying as Clary glared at him. He said something to her and her eyes softened. She helped him up and they charged into battle fighting together. I saw Apollo campers helping the injured. Then I saw them. Nico is was being held at sword point by Atë. I ran to them and before she could hurt Nico I tackled her. As we fell her sword pierced her stomach and came out the other side and it stabbed me on my side. I looked over at Nico and smiled. All around me the fighting had stopped. "I love you," I said. I started coughing up blood and slowly everything faded into blackness.

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