Chapter 3

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*Nico POV*

I got there just in time. I had got to camp in time to hear the letter Percy wrote. Chiron even threw the ring in Annabeth's face. That was funny. Chiron said something like 'he is on Olympus right now.' I knew that couldn't be good so I shadow traveled to Olympus to see all the gods raise their hands except a few then I saw those gods that didn't raise there hands cause a commotion and Percy started to run but I grabbed his hand and told him to close his eyes and shadow traveled us out of there to the first place I could think of. McDonalds. I realized I was holding Percy's hand and let go. He turned to me, "Nico why did you save me?" He looked very confused.

"Because your my friend," I said and he hugged me. Before I knew what was happening I was hugging back.

"Thanks Nico. At least I have one friend." I blushed. He smiled at me, "Well you better run the gods kind of want to kill me I can't drag you into this too."

"Your joking right? I'm not going to leave you. Plus the only person who would miss me is Hazel and she has Frank and the other seven. Nobody ever really paid attention to me anyways. You are so not leaving me behind."

"Woh I didn't know you could say that many words in a year much less a minute," he smiled but I could tell it was forced, "I guess you can come."

"YES!" I started jumping up and down like an excited puppy. My stomach growled. I stopped jumping and looked at Percy with puppy-dog eyes I had thought I'd lost years ago, "Can we please get some food? Please?"

He looked at me but instantly regretted it. "Ugh! Fine, but you can never look at me like that again, deal?"

"Pinky promise." I said holding out my pinky finger. He smiled at me and we made a pinky promise. We walked over to where you order. "I'd like a happy meal with chicken nuggets please. He'll have the same." I said before Percy could order.

"Okay, that will be $5.50 (MOST LIKELY NOT THE RIGHT PRICE BUT WHATEVER)." the casher said. Percy started digging in his pockets and he pulled out a few bills and handed it to the lady.

"That should be enough." he said.

"Here are your cups." I snatched them up before he could and went over to the drink station. I filled both our cups with root beer. It's not real beer don't worry. When our order was called Percy walked over and got it. He came back over and slid into the seat next to me. Honestly it made me uncomfortable but I did not say anything. We started eating. I ate some of it but after a few bites I wasn't hungry anymore. The days in Tartarus and the jar are still affecting me. I grimaced. There goes my good mood. I looked over at Percy, he had eaten less than I had. I frowned but didn't say anything. Hmmm, I'm tired. I wonder if he'd care if I slept for a while. I leaned against him, closed me eyes and drifted off into sleep.


I was stumbling through Tartarus. Hordes of monsters chasing me. At least I thought they were monsters. Someone was shouting and pulling me along. That's weird I went through Tartarus alone. I tried to see who it was. It was Percy Jackson and we were surrounded by bat ladies. What the Hades. What is going on here. I saw Percy cut down a few of them and then I was alone. I knew that it was a trick but I couldn't help but panic. So this was how she felt.

I suddenly awakened when I felt someone staring at me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Percy staring at me intently. It looked like he was studying my face. He noticed I had opened my eyes and he smiled sheepishly at me. I almost smiled back but then I felt an evil presence. I wrapped my arms around him. "Hold on!" I told him. He obeyed instantly by wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my shoulder. I felt back into the shadows.

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