Chapter 22

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Sorry it took so long, I was having a serve case of writers block.

Tony's POV-

"So...what exactly are we up against here?" I asked.
"A crazy goddess who was kicked off Olympus because she persuaded Hera to do something. I think it was to kill one of Zeus girlfriends but we can't be sure there are so many of them. Well now that goddess has gathered enough...people that she can feel confident that she will win. Hopefully that won't happen," Percy told everyone.
"If anyone here knows crazy it would be me, I am the goddess of insanity," said the woman Mania that showed up with the strange man with the blue box and Loki. Who might I add was standing mighty close to her. Was something going on there?
"Doesn't matter, we will win in the end," Steve said with conviction in his voice.
"Hopefully your right Cap," Nat said.
"When do we think she's going to attack?" some kid asked. I think it was Max or something.
"Not when, where," Percy said.
"She'll want to strike is where it will hurt. She'll want to make it so everyone can see it, she- Hell no not again!" I said. What could she possibly want with my tower?
Loki started laughing, "Looks like I'm not the only one with that idea," Loki said.
"Shut up," I snapped.
"What?" almost everyone asked.
"We have another Loki on our hands, she's going for my tower!" I said.
"Well tony, how do you feel about a sleepover!" Percy said, "Cause now we know where we need to be."
"What is it with bad guys and my tower? Seriously, it's like a magnet for trouble. Or maybe it's because it's in New York, Pepper how do you feel about Atlanta? Not many alien attacks down there," I ranted. Everyone laughed, "Yeah let's see who's laughing when it happens to you!" I growled.
"Okay, chill out buddy, chill," Nico said, acting like he was a talking to an animal.
"I'm not an animal," I snapped.
"Tony, chill," Steve said. I sat back, pouting.
"Okay, then we better get going. I can make a portal. We all need to pack what we have and Nico can make sure there's enough room. Sound good? Good," Percy said. He pulled Nico away and they started talking. Nico nodded and hugged Percy. Percy laughed and hugged back. Nico looked happily up at him and pulled away. They said a few more words and Nico disappeared. Percy walked to our cabin and walked up to his room. I got up and walked around.

---10 mins later---

We all met up at the border. "You will appear in the room that you will be staying in. If you already have a room in the tower you will show up there. There will not be mixed genders...unless your married or if your a camper, then you'll be with your cabin. Okay, now go through," Percy said standing in front of the campers. Right at the end of his speech a portal thing appeared. Once most of the campers had gone through he said, "Oh yeah, will most likely cause nausea." He snickered and motioned for them to keep going. The campers left froze for a second before going through. I was with the last to go through, Percy right behind me. When I stepped out of the portal I was in my lab. They knew me so well. I walked out of my room and saw Percy walking towards me. "We're all going to eat on the top floor. Come on," he said. We got up the top and I saw everyone sitting at tables. There was a small fire on the side. People were eating and talking. Everyone stopped talking when they saw Percy. Well, almost everyone, that blonde, Annabeth, didn't shut up. People looked at her as she just kept going. Percy waved his hand and everyone started talking again. Percy calmly walked over to the two seat table Nico was sitting at. Nico looked up and smiled when he sat down.
They started talking about who knows what when Jarvis spoke, "Sir, there is a hoard of monsters heading this way."
"Schist," Percy and Nico said at the same time.

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