Chapter 16

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Dream's POV-

I flew to Stark Towers in New York. You're probably wondering why, well he is part of the Avengers and we need to gather more friends. Plus Thor is part of the Avengers also and I helped him once, he owes me. I also happen to know that S.H.E.I.L.D. is looking for me. When I landed people only gave me looks of curiosity. Weird people are not new to them. I walked into the building. I slipped of my mask. "Excuse me, I hear that somebody in this building was looking for me? The Avengers, I think?" I told her innocently.
"Name?" the lady behind the desk asked.
"Percy, Percy Jackson." I said.
"I'll tell Mr. Stark that you came by." she told me. I just stood there looking at her. "What?" she questioned
"I'm waiting for you to tell him I'm here. Go on I'm waiting." She gulped.
She pressed a button, "Mr. Stark you have a visitor. He says you might have been looking for him. His name is Percy Jackson." she listened for a second, "Okay yes sir. Thank you. I'll do that." She looked up at me. "He says to go to his office. Top floor third door on the left."
"Thanks lady." I told her. I walked over to the elevator. I flexed my wings, I was not looking forward to the elevator ride. I stepped in and went to the top floor. I stopped in front of the door. I turned the knob and opened the door. There were a bunch of people sitting in the room. I saw Thor and seven other people. "Hello everyone." I said entering the room. I sat in the chair right in the middle. "I heard you guys were looking for me."
"Dream!" Thor yelled.
"Thor! Nice seeing you again. Planet still intact?" I replied.
"Actually I haven't been to Asgard in a while." Thor informed me.
"Well, that's sad."
"You two know each other?" Tony Stark asked.
"Yeah, I helped him defeat this evil guy once." I told them.
"He is a great hero on many planets."
"Yeah, anyways. Why are you guys looking for me?"
Thor answered, "They used to think you might be a danger to the world but when you disappeared they were confused."
"Oh cool, but you must know that I'm am not a danger to the world, in fact I'm here to save it for what feels like the millionth time."
"Save it?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, again. For someone who lives in New York you don't notice a lot. Remember about 21 years ago? When the weather was all weird? Well that was two gods fighting over whether or not one of them stole the others weapon. I managed to save the world from destruction that time by finding the weapon and returning it. 20 years ago I helped save my camp which if there wasn't that camp there would be no one to save you guys. 19 years ago I saved a goddess and my ex girlfriend from dying because they had to hold up the world. Two people on our side died that time. Without me the sky would have come crashing down and destroyed everything. 18 years ago I saved the world once again by fighting and winning against the person who started all of this. 17 I became an iron skin. I defeated many titians and in the end my actions defeated completely this time the boy who started this whole thing, he died. That year I got to rest for a while but after a few weeks I disappeared and was put into a deep sleep. When I woke up two months later, I did not know what I was, why I was there, or what the heck is happening. I ended up being chased by two of the Gorgons, I had killed her sister when I was twelve. Every time I killed them they popped back up. Literally! I came to some kind of camp where this old lady wanted me to carry her. When we got there the Gorgons were both killed and the lady turned into a goddess. Soon I got a quest and my quest to save the world again started. First was the quest with Hazel and Frank we defeated this giant in Alaska. Memories started coming back and my girlfriend came with three other people and a goat man. Not Grover. We set out to Athens I think where we saved Hazels half brother and the son of Hades. The girlfriend had to go on her own quest to get this stair thing and she did. Also you guys know about Tartarus right. Worst place in hell? Well Annabeth and I fell in. I got Nico to lead my friends to the doors of death so we could meet them on the other side. We barely made it out alive and lost some friends on the way. Well while we were in there Annabeth figured out a way to send a note to our camp. The camp took the note to the Romans who were planning to attack from because a misunderstanding. She came all the way here to do what the note said. When we got out she was waiting. We decided that she would along with Nico and the goat man take the giant statue from Annabeths quest. We went to some other place around there and blew up some giants with the help of the gods and fates. They only needed my blood to awake the earth mother, cause they already got Annabeths. Well I got a nose bleed. Zeus threw us all the way to Long Island where we killed Gaea and our friend Leo got blown up but used this potion thing to live. We were all happy and such when my half brother showed up. He started to do pranks and steal stuff and blame it on me. I went on a quest for Athena to get her permission to propose to Annabeth. Well I finished it and hand crafted a ring to propose with. When I got to camp again nobody would look me in the eye. I started searching and searching for Annabeth. I checked in her cabin first. I opened the door slowly. When I looked in I saw Annabeth and my brother doing...things. She cheated on me. I left that day after leaving a note, my sword and the ring. As soon as I left I was called to Olympus. They voted if I was to live or die after my father disowned me. The gods on my side created a distraction while I ran. Nico saved me. We ran away together and Chaos found us. He told me that I was his son and that he wanted me to come with him. He said Nico could come too. He went to his planet were I saw Gaea and a whole bunch of other primordial gods. Chaos removed the seal glamor thing he placed on me so that people would believe that I was a son of Poseidon. He then made Nico a primordial too. We became Sweet Dreams and Nightmare. Well known heroes. Which I tell you is hard work. Chaos calls us in gives us a mission. We finish the mission and get a new one. That is why I'm here. We are about to face something horrible in battle and I need you to help me fight it. So the question is, do you want to save the world from a real monster?"


Happy thanksgiving guys.

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