Chapter 6

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*Percy POV*

So it turns out I'm a primordial and a son of Chaos.

"Okay let's go to my planet to make you both Primordials." He then snapped his fingers and a black door. He motioned us forward, "Okay you two step through this. I will be right behind you.

**time lapse through portal thing**

When we stepped out of the portal I fell to my knees. I was dizzy. It was like shadow traveling but you had no one to hold you up so you fell over. Or forward in my case. I got up after a second and looked over at Nico. He was looking at the people in the room. He looked well, shocked. I finally noticed who he was looking at. It was a woman who looked to be made out of earth. A woman I know well. It was...Gaea. I thought she was evil. Chaos seemed to notice my expression because he went into explaining how nobody in this room would harm him, blah, blah, blah. Then he said, "Okay let's get this over with. Percy your first," then he started chanting in a language I didn't understand but I did catch one word it was Insidiatori or assassin. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain erupting through my body and I fell to the ground. I faintly heard Nico screaming at Chaos but -then the pain went away and I groaned. I felt Nico by my side in seconds. He started asking me a bunch of questions but I waved them off. I slowly stood up and everyone in the room gasped. I finally opened my eyes which were closed the entire time I was on the floor. I looked around to see what everyone gasped at to find out it was me!

"P-Percy y-y-you have wings. Wings Percy, wings," Nico managed to stutter out in his shock, "And your eyes,"

"What about my eyes?" One of the ,oh whatever they're called, got up and summon a mirror. Then he handed it to me. I looked into the mirror to see what was so shocking about them. They were many colors. I wonder, I thought of a shade of blue and my eyes turned that color. I went on like this for a while, but realized everyone was looking at me. Oops. I put down the mirror. "Sorry guys just kind of zoned out. Away time to make Nico a primordial too, right?"

"Yes my son. Afterwards I give you both new names." He started chanting again but it was different although I did hear that one word again. When Chaos finished Nico fell to the ground and screamed in agony. I ran over to him and gathered him to me and started rocking back and forth and back and forth until his screams died down.

"Oh thank gods your okay Nico. I don't want to lose the only person that stuck by my side." He then sighed and got up. "Hey you have wings to Nico!" His wings were darker than night and had little light dots all over them that looked like stars. Mine were not nearly as cool, They were pure white with a sliver feather every once and a while. I looked at his eyes and they were like mine but darker. Cool.

"Okay you two, you will need new names. If it is okay with you I'd like to chose," he asked, we nodded, "Okay Percy you will be dulcis somniabunt or sweet dreams. Nico you will be nightmare or tantibus." We looked at each other and nodded. Now to train.

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