Chapter 20

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I'm so sorry that I took so long with this chapter, it took me awhile to figure out how I was going to do this. I know it's kind of fluffy but, hope you enjoy.

Hermione's POV-

As we dragged Percy up to Pansy's room I thought about what we were planning to do. I had never been the most girly of people but here I was, about to force a makeover upon one of my closest friends. At first I was a little shocked to see two guys follow us upstairs, but then I realized it was Magnus and Alec, and that if any guys could help us it would be these two. In Pansy's room we sat him down on a chair in front of the mirror. We motioned for Magnus to come over after we blinded Percy temporarily. "Now, what should we do to his hair?" Pansy asked, looking at the two boys. They grinned evilly at each other. They both grabbed a pair of scissors and started to chop off Percy's hair. When they finally stopped Magnus motioned for the girls to wait there while he went and grabbed something. We sat waiting for him to come back. We all took turns just messing with his hair because we could and it was undeniably soft. When Magnus walked back in he had a pile of clothes in one hand and a jar of gel in the other. He laid out the clothes. Ginny stepped forward and picked him an outfit.
"I've been helping Harry pick out clothes for years and Percy has the same hair and similar eye color," she claimed. None of us argued. She picked up some black skinny jeans and handed them to Pansy.
Pansy then threw them to Magnus, "Do you have these in extra skinny?" she questioned. Magnus replied with a nod.
I looked at Ginny who had three shirts in front of her. The first was green, the second was a lavender color and the last shirt was a dark red. She threw the lavender aside, "Let's not put him in to much pain, so that's out," she tossed the green to the side also, "To common for green eyes," she handed the red shirt to Pansy. We then spent twenty minutes to making the clothing specially fitted for him. We cut two slits in the back of the shirt for his wings. We stripped off his shirt and pushed the new one on him. We made sure his wings were where they were supposed to be and handed him the pants. We turned away from him and one of us called out for him the put the new pants on. He did as he was told and called out to let us know he was ready. We let Alec and Magnus style his hair. When they finished, it was sticking up but kind of ruffled and messy. Pansy pulled out some jade eyeliner and applied it lightly to his eyes. Alec picked up some lip balm and put it on him. We put some combat boots on him and made him stand up. We strapped his swords to his side and added a longbow about as tall as him. I found a charm bracelet that had many weapons in charm form and put it on his wrist. Magnus pulled out some lip rings.
We all looked at him. "What I've always wanted to do this to someone and it'll be hot and with his awesome healing powers he won't be in pain for long."
"Fine," we all said at the same time. Percy stiffened and muffled a shout of pain as Magnus pierced his skin. We made it so he could see again and dragged him downstairs before he could look at himself.
"Did you guys put eyeliner on me? Is this a lip ring? What happened to my hair? What the hell am I wearing? Why is my hair so spiky? Why a red shirt?" etc, etc... Those were the kind of questions he asked on our way down the stairs. We pushed him in front of us and he stumbled down the last few stairs straightening up at the last moment. All the guys (and a few girls) stared at him before Tony wolf-whistled. Percy blushed scarlet when he noticed Nico. He started to bite his lip before he winced in pain because of the rings.
"How long will it take to heal?" I asked Magnus.
"Usually it would take a while but with him it will be healed before the day is up," he replied.
"Why did we do this again?" I hear Ginny ask Pansy.
"Because we could, he needed it, and wasn't it worth it to see Nico's face like that?" Pansy's answered. We all grinned and nodded. I looked over at Nico who was still standing in the same place gawking at Percy. We here the call for breakfast in the distance. "I don't know about you guys but we are taking Percy to show off to the campers. The Aphrodite cabin will be so jealous." We grinned and followed her out dragging Percy with us. After we had been walking for awhile the others ran out of the cabin to join us. Nico was pushed up to the front of the group and into the back of an unsuspecting Percy. They tumbled into the pavilion where all the campers had gathered. Nico scrambled off of Percy and pointed at all of us. He held out his hand for Percy to grab. Percy took his hand and pulled himself up. After he dusted himself off he looked at Nico. Nico shook his head and motioned for him to do something. Percy sighed, mumbled something I didn't catch and a table big enough for all of us rose out of the ground. When we sat down food appeared like at Hogwarts. We started to eat. The campers were all staring at us.
"Aren't you going to sacrifice to the gods?" that girl, Annabeth, asked.
"Why would we sacrifice to gods, most of the people here are not demigods or we are above gods, or in Thor's case, is a god," Percy smartly answered. Him and Nico fist bumped.
"But, you and Nico-"
"Nightmare, you and all other campers have no right to call us our old names unless we tell you that you can," Nico cut her off coldly.
"Fine, but you and Nightmare are demigods," Annabeth said.
"Nope, we're not. Did you not pay attention to the introductions. Son of Chaos. Primordial, blah, blah, blah? I am much more than a demigod and Nico is a primordial because of the power Chaos gave him. We will both live longer than anyone and while the gods are hard to kill or get rid of we are even harder. Now if anyone should be burning sacrifices it should be the gods in honor of us," Percy said. Suddenly there was a shimmering above his head and a crown of black metal appeared on his head. It was much more elegant than that which the girl leader in the hunters wore and it also seemed to radiate power and peace. Percy felt the change and reached up to try and take it off. It would not budge. Nico almost fell of his seat laughing at him and a few people at our table did. Thor clapped happily and threw his arm over Percy's shoulder laughing. Percy turned red in embarrassment. Now Nico fell out of his seat and almost hit the ground, but Percy pulled out of Thor's grasp and caught him before he hit the ground.
They straighten up once again and I heard Pansy lean over to Draco and say, "Told you he was perfect for him."
We continued to joke and have fun for the rest of breakfast.

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