Chapter 12

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Hey guys here's the new chapter! It's a little short'll have to do.
"Okay so we have friends all over, plus people who owe us, others who are just willing to help. We need somewhere for them to stay when they show. Dream would be able to quickly make a house, but I'm not as good at it. I could help but it would not get far without help. So come on, we need to get to work." I told the stunned campers. They scrambled off to do what I told them. "Reyna, you need to go get the Romans we will need them to." she nodded and left. I got to work planning the inside of the house. I was going to make it like Tardis, bigger on the inside. The top floor will be two rooms, one for me, one for dream. Ground level will be living room, kitchen, bathrooms and such. Then there will be a level in between both of those for each group. Below there will be a separate training room for each group. Mine and Dreams on the bottom. I looked over to where the campers were working. They looked confused when I told them to just build a shell. They were almost finished. I shooed them out of my way and entered. I started fixing it up. When I had finished I started decorating the levels I had already made. I walked out of the cabin. I had the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing rolled up and my hair was messed up. When I got outside, Dream suddenly appeared and behind him seven people. "Hey guys!" I called.
"Nightmare!" Dream shouted, "Where is your mask?"
"Crap!" I said snapping me fingers. Very few people noticed the absence of my mask but some did. It didn't look like anyone fully recognized me but some were suspicious. Crap, I really messed up. "Sorry Dream. I see you came with people." I looked behind him at the seven people. "Jace, Clary, Simon, Izzy, Alec, Magnus, and Mia, it's nice to see you guys again. Come inside, I'll show you were you'll be staying." I snapped my fingers instantly making their rooms ready. I lead them to their floor and told them how it works with the basement. They nodded and headed to their rooms.
"Hey Nightmare I'm going to get Harry and his friends now." Dream told me.
"Okay, I'll set up for them." I answered.

I know it's short guys but I wanted to get started on the next chapter, really bad.

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