Chapter 24

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Hey guys. When beginning to write this my heart is breaking. This is the last chapter and I'm going to miss writing it. It has been an amazing experience writing this. Its officially the first book(be it fanfiction) that I have ever finished writing. My friends are going to have their hands full dealing with me mourning over this finished story. Here it is.


Percy's POV-

I felt as if I was floating in a black hole. I felt a sharp pain in my side so I knew I wasn't dead. Suddenly I felt as if I was drowning, falling, and flying all the same time and I sat upright, breathing heavily. I looked around me. It was a room in the big house. There was a girl standing beside my bed. She had dark brown hair and a long dress. Honestly, she slightly reminded me of Calypso. "Finally, you've woken up. I've been trying to heal you for weeks. Everyone has been so worried," she said.
"Who are you?" I asked harshly.
"I'm Grace. Come on, everyone will want to see you," she said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room and all the way outside, where everyone I had brought here was sitting around looking sad. Nico was laying in the mud crying and Magnus and Alec were sitting next to him and trying to cheer him up.
I looked around at the mourning faces and said, "Why so sad?"
Everyone's heads shot up, well except that weird girl who was there when I woke up, and soon Nico was hugging me, mud and all. "Percy, we missed you so much. I thought you were going to die. It nearly killed me. Never do that again," he said, pulling away from me. "Never! Never! Never! Ever! Again!" he said punching me lightly in the chest with every word, before he hugging me again. Crying into my shirt.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll be okay," I said rubbing his back. I looked up at everyone, "We'll all be okay."
I love you guys, you've all been so supportive. I know this is short but, hopefully the story won't end there. I want to write a sequel and a series of short stories about what happened over that time Percy and Nico were with Chaos. Love you all,

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