Chapter 15

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Here's the next chapter!


Harry's POV-

After we stepped through the portal we ended up in a pile on some kind of table. We picked ourselves up before cleaning ourselves of the food that got on our clothes. There was a slight thump and Percy landed gracefully next to us. He saw what we were doing and smirked. "I see you guys didn't land so gracefully." He looked down at the people sitting around the table again, "Ugh, Ares kids, bleh." A big girl growled at him he growled back. A rumble shook the ground.
"Dream!" a voice called. I looked over there it was a boy. He wore an outfit similar to what Percy would always wear. He also wore a mask. He smiled at Percy and Percy snapped out of whatever he was doing to smile back him.
"Nightmare, meet Harry, Ginny, Ron, Charlie, Hermione, George, Luna, and Neville. You already know Draco and Pansy." he said. Draco and Pansy hopped of the table and ran to the boy and took him up in a hug.
They turned to us, "Guys this is Nightmare."
"How do you know him?" I asked.
"We meet him while he was on a mission he saved us and helped us realize that we were on the wrong side."
"Cool." I said. I turned back to Percy who was staring at Nightmare and how Draco still had a arm around his waist. Hermione seemed to notice this too. "Where are we staying?" I asked.
"Oh right, I have been working on the rooms you guys will be staying in. Come on," Nightmare said. We got off the table to leave. I noticed how every girl and even a few guys watched Percy as he walked out of the room. I shook my head and stumbled off the table.
"Let's go guys." I said. The rest of them stumbled off the table. We followed Percy and Nightmare out of the room and we walked to a big cabin. They motioned for us to enter.
"Okay guys, so you guys are on the second floor, this being floor zero. The first floor there is another group that you guys can meet later. The -second floor is your training room. This is the living room and those are the kitchens. Go do whatever." Nightmare told us. We all nodded in understanding. He and Percy walked to the elevator and got on leaving us behind. When they came back down Percy said his goodbyes and ran outside taking off into the sky.
"He has wings?" Draco asked in confusion.
"Yeah, and so do I," Nightmare said, his wings spreading out from his back.
"Beautiful," I heard Hermione mutter.
"Where is he going?" someone asked.
"To find some more friends." Nightmare answered.

Happy now?

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