Chapter 21

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Dream/Percy's POV-

I laughed and continued to try and take off the crown that father most likely put on my head for entertainment. He knows I hate it and we both know I look stupid wearing it. Well, he's never admitted to it but I can tell, it's simply horrible. Why do I need a crown anyway? So what if I'm the 'Prince of the Universe' doesn't mean we have to go all medieval. Ugh, I really hate being above others, unless it's those traitor campers and gods, I don't give a hell about them. I winced in pain, curse those stupid lip rings. I reached up and touched one. "Don't you even think about taking it off," Magnus growled from across the table.
"But, why?" I asked.
"Because it makes you look hot," answered multiple people around the table. Nico kind of did this growling thing and slid closer to me. No one questioned this and we all went back to eating. I noticed Fang, my half-brother sitting with his friends at the end of the table. I sent him a half smile and went back to eating. Right towards the end we heard a scream from near Thalia's Pine. We jumped up and ran towards the scream. A young demigod stood in front of the border with and army of monsters, giants, titians, dark Shadowhunters, death eaters, and a few other things I couldn't quite recognize. In front of them stood Voldemort, Kronos, Sebastian, and a few other guys I didn't know. Then in front of them stood someone who is even more powerful.
"Atë," I breathed out.
"Who?" practically everyone behind me asked, even Nico.
"Atë, goddess, daughter of Zeus, mother unknown, has caused many problems for men since Zeus threw her off Olympus," I informed them, "Why? Why are you doing this," I asked her.
"That's way, I was thrown away, like yesterday's trash. I deserve revenge!" she screamed.
"I was thrown way too! Do you see me bringing back the dead and trying to kill everyone? In the first war I was in there was a boy on the other side, two actually, who betrayed the gods because they felt neglected. Imagine how it is to be one of us, demigods. No matter how they threw away they will get over it eventually, but with demigods, our life's are usually shorter than normal mortals because of all the monsters, plus the fact we are lucky if we ever even meet our parents! You manipulated Hera and Zeua threw you off Olympus, because of what YOU did! If had never done that than you might be up there happy, instead your down here killing people! So stand down before I kill you all!"
"Never," she screamed back.
"Campers back up, let our guests prove themselves," I growled at the campers. I looked back at the group and smirked, "Ready?" They all nodded. I pulled out my swords and charged forward, "For peace!" I ran right into the middle of the army. I was killing things left and right. Demons, monsters, death eaters, you name it, were surrounding me. Nico was at my back and we were fighting this as one. Soon there were not as many enemies for us to kill. At some point I ended up facing the campers. They were standing in ranks at the top of the hill and shooting down the monsters. Will Solace was the one directing them. Figures, always knew he could be a leader. I looked around the battle field. Our friends had encircled the enemy army while Nico and I pushed our way to the middle. Now most the monsters were running towards us as they all closed in. Suddenly there was a horn and silver arrows rained down on the enemy. Soon there was only one death eater left. Someone was about to kill him when I yelled, "Stop!" I walked over to him and took his arm. I looked into his eyes which you could see barely through the mask. "Lucius, I'd say it's nice to see you again, but then I'd be lying. Now look at the destruction around you, the dead bodies of your friends, think about if you had never gotten involved in this they would still be alive. How's it feel to be the last man standing? Now I can kill you now but I need you to give a message to your masters. Tell them that this planet is protected. It's under my watch. You threaten it, you will die. Tell them that I'm coming and when I get there they will be begging for mercy. Now run along. Go deliver the message, you don't and I'll have Nightmare find you and make you see all your worst nightmares." He gulped and flew off as a cloud of black smoke. I heard a clapping coming from the woods. A man in a trench coat and suit walked out. Following closely behind was a tall, pale man in weird armor and a tall woman with wavy brown hair. She wore tight brown pants and a flowing piece of off-white fabric as a shirt. She had a longbow slung over her back, along with an assortment of arrows, silver, bronze, iron, and gold. I recognized all of them.
"You must be the Doctor from a time earlier than the one I met cause you don't recognize me. Loki, it's nice to see you again. And you must be Mania, as the son of Chaos, it's is a pleasure to meet my fathers favorite goddess of chaos," I said smiling at her. I noticed she had off-white wings also.
The Doctor was about to say something but was cut off by the mad voice of another goddess. "Who are you people? What are you doing at our camp?"
"Artemis, no need to hate all my friends, okay. They're here to help," I said. I noticed Loki was looking at the Avengers and he had stepped kind off behind Mania. I shook my head and reached over and grabbed his arm. I pulled him to my side and slung my arm over his shoulder. The Avengers noticed this and immediately pointed they're weapons at him. I blocked his body with mine. My wings spread out protectively. "I know Loki has done bad things but he regrets it and has changed. I will NOT have my friends kill my other friends. Okay? So get over yourselves." I said angrily. "Okay, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but just don't do that. Okay?" They all nodded and put down their weapons. "Thank you. Now we make battle plans.


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