Chapter 19

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Harry's POV-

Dream stormed out of the room, or whatever this is. Nightmare soon followed. I looked around at the faces of all the campers. They all looked shocked. The Athena cabin looked awed that they hadn't figured it out before hand, well all but one of them. That girl Annabeth was looking after Dream with determination on her face. I walked over to her, "Don't you even think about trying to be in his life again." I stalked back over to my friends. I noticed the group of kids that showed up with Nightmare right before Dream came. They stood together and looked very uncomfortable. I walked over to them. "Hi, I'm Harry Potter, who are you guys?"
"I'm Fang, Dreams half-brother."
"He has a brother? Woh." a voice said from behind us. I spun around to see one of the campers. "I'm Leo Valdez, and honestly while the whole Percy thing was going on a few years ago I was in bunker nine ignoring the world. I didn't find out what had been going on until after it all happened. Not that it matters, I still didn't do anything. I'm as bad as the rest of them. I just wish he could've had a happy ending, like I did."
"I think he just might," I said staring off to where Dream stormed off and Nightmare followed him.
"My brother is so complicated," Fang said.
"You have no idea," Leo and I said at the same time.
"Can we eat?" asked one of the girls next to Fang.
"Yeah, follow me," Leo said, leading the way.
I smiled and walked off. I walked around until I ended up back at the cabin. When I walked in most of the people brought to the camp were sitting in a large circle in the middle of the room. They all had shot glasses in front of them and seemed to be playing a game. Dream was leaning on Nightmare and Alec was in Magnus' lap. Draco was sprawled out so his head was on Rons lap and his feet were on Ginny. Tony was passed out behind Nick Fury and Luna was braiding Jace's hair. Steve was sitting on a couch nearby laughing at all of them and Pansy was sitting next to him looking bored. Overall, it was pretty funny. Suddenly all the shot glasses were gone. "Hey guys let's play truth or dare!" someone yelled. Everyone agreed and I quickly joined their circle.
A bottle appeared and I grabbed it, "I'll go first." I spun the bottle and it landed on Dream. "Dream, truth or dare?"
"Truth," he mumbled.
"Okay, have you ever kissed a guy?"
"No, though I wouldn't mind," everyone stared at him.
"Right...Okay, now Dream you spin the bottle. Oh if you spin the bottle and it lands on yourself then you have to kiss one of the people next to you, on the lips." Everyone nodded. "Also if you come to a dare you don't want to do you can take two shots instead." They nodded at that too.
Dream spun the bottle and it landed on Tony, "Truth or dare, Tony?" and so the game went. By the end of it Nightmare and Dream had to kiss a few times and everyone was so drunk that they wouldn't remember anything when they woke up, well except for Steve and Pansy, they didn't drink anything.

**Few hours later**

I woke up to loud groaning. I lifted myself off the ground so I could see what was happening. Draco was curled up with Ron. Steve was sleeping on one couch and Pansy was on another. Few people were sleeping in weird positions but the weirdest thing I saw was Dream. He was laying on his back with his wings out and wrapped around himself so you couldn't see most of his body. It wouldn't have been that weird if it wasn't for the fact that at the bottom two pairs of feet sprouted. Ha! People are going to get a kick out of this. I wonder what happened. I can't seem to remember much. I started to wake everyone up, everyone but Dream and Nightmare. When everyone was awake we all surrounded them. I nudged them with my foot. Dreams wing flung open and he tried to get up. Only to find he couldn't because Nightmare was laying on top of him. He looked down at him with his mouth open gaping like a fish. He looked up at us, "What happened last night I can't remember anything."
We all stayed silent, none of us really knew. "You all had a fun time drinking and playing Truth or dare," Steve said from the couch. Right I didn't wake him or Pansy.
"Oh gods no, did I do anything embarrassing that I should know about?" Dream asked.
Steve started to laugh, "Yes, you all did."
"What did I do?" he asked.
"Not telling," Steve retorted.
Dream groaned and flopped back down from where he had propped himself on his elbows. Nightmare groaned and moved a little bit. "He doesn't look ready to wake up, I'll go take him to his room," Dream said. He moved Nightmare's arms up to around his neck and put his other arm under his knees. We all watched as he gently walked up the stairs to Nightmare's room.
We continued to watch the stairs until a voice said, "Bloody hell! They're perfect for each other!" We all turned to Pansy.
"You're right, I know how to tell when to guys like each other," Jace said, looking over at Alec and Magnus.
Dream walked down the stairs and we all stared at him. "Come on, we have planning to do," Pansy shouted dragging Dream up to her room. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Clary, Alec, and Magnus followed.
We just stared after them in wonder. Who even knows what's happening up there.


This was pretty much, not very important but you know. Whatever, hope you guys like it.

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