Chapter 17

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Hey guys, just wanted to say real quickly that the video is about Harry but if you can imagine Nico's life as you listen to it, if you listen to it.

Nightmares POV-

As I was preparing the next set of rooms for more of Percy's never ending list of friends I heard the attack horn go off. That means that camp was being attacked. I raced outside along with everyone in the cabin. We ran strait to the barrier where surprisingly a few hundred monsters stood. "I take the left you guys take the right?" I suggest to the campers. They stared at me in shock, "Or not, that works to." I said pulling out my sword. I ran strait into the middle of the monsters and started killing things. By the time anyone joined half the monsters were gone. I looked around at everyone as they struggled to kill the monsters left. When they were all gone the retracted back into the boundaries. They all looked at me like they were seeing a ghost.
"N-Nico?" Hazel whispered. My hand shot to my face. There was no mask.
"Shit," I gasped quietly to myself. Louder I said, "I am no longer Nico di Angelo. I am now Nightmare."
"Mare?" I heard from behind the crowd. I looked up at the sound of Dreams voice. "What happened to your mask?"
"I might have forgotten to put it on before I ran out to help with the monsters." I said shyly.
He sighed, "I knew it was going to happen at some point, I didn't want it to be so soon though. What will my father say?"
"Dream, he will be fine with it, I'm not that important anyways." I told him.
He was going to answer but someone beat him to it, "Are you going to tell us who you are now that we know who your friend his?"
"Why would I do that?" he asked the girl coldly. She whimpered and cowered back. He sighed again, "Sorry, my life on earth was hard, I don't like talking about it," he paused for a second, "I might tell one day but today is not that day, I have a better idea, why don't we tell you who we've brought into this hell hole. Guys when you tell them who you are, also tell what you are and where you are from." everyone from the cabin nodded.
"Jace, Shadowhunter, Brooklyn."
"Clary, Shadowhunter, Brooklyn."
"Simon, Soon to be Shadowhunter, Brooklyn."
"Izzy, Shadowhunter, Brooklyn."
"Alec, Shadowhunter, Brooklyn."
"Magnus Bane, Warlock, the immortal kind, and not gonna tell."
"Mia, Werewolf, also not gonna tell."
"Harry Potter, Wizard, England."
"Ginny Potter, Witch, England."
"Hermione Granger, Witch, England."
"Draco Malfoy, Wizard, England."
"Ron Weasly, Wizard, England."
"Pansy Parkinson, Witch, England."
"George Weasly, Wizard, England."
"Charlie Weasly, Wizard, England."
"Luna Lovegood, Witch, England."
"Neville Longbottom, Wizard, England."
"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.E.I.L.D, New York."
"Tony Stark, Iron Man, New York."
"Pepper, just Pepper, New York."
"Bruce, the Hulk, New York."
"Steve Rodgers, Captain America, New York."
"Natasha, Black Widow."
"Clint, Hawk Eye."
"Thor, thunder god, Asgard."
"I think that's everyone," Dream started.
"You haven't told us who you are." a voice boomed out. "You bring all these people here, even other gods, yet you will not speak your name. What have you done that is so wrong you can't even bare to speak your own name?"
"I have my reasons, and it is not what I have done but what has been done to me. I once though you all were my friends, I treated every single one of you like family, but as soon as a few lies were told you turned your backs on me. You all left me behind like a piece of dirt. I was betrayed, forgotten, left behind, mocked, downgraded, cheated, disowned, blamed for crimes I did not commit, banished, and so much more. So excuse me if I want to keep my name a secret. Plus I have strict orders not to tell anyone who I am. Now if you excuse me I have some planning to do." Dream said stalking off.
"Come on," I told all the people he had brought, "We should be heading back." I looked at all the campers who where stunned after Dream's speech. Just another day.

Welcome to my life.

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