Chapter 18

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Hey guys, sorry this took so long, but I have been really busy and have wanted this chapter to be really good. I wanted to do this, hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll try to have another up soon.

Dream's POV-

After I stormed off I went strait to the cabin house thing we had built. I flung open the doors and ran up the stairs and entered what I knew to be my room. I flung myself into the bed that Nightmare no doubt designed for me. I looked at the ceiling wondering what the hell I was supposed to do. I don't think all the people we gathered will be enough and I'm running out of old friends. There's the Egyptians, they might help but there are only so many hero's in this world. I closed my eyes. I heard the door open. "Dream? Are you okay?" I heard Nightmare call out hesitantly. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked at me worried before taking another step into the room. When I made no move to stop him he stepped in all the way. "Dream, you can tell me. We've been besties for almost 30,000 years." Yeah and I fell into hell for Annabeth and she still left me. He must have guessed what I was thinking because he said, "I would never hurt you like that-" he was about to continue but the world around us faded. We appeared in front of Chaos and a few other people. They were talking.
"Father? Where are we?" I asked, calling his attention.
"Dream, I...uh...I have something I need to talk to you about. You see I found your half-brother." He motioned for one of the people he was with to step forward.
The boy stuck out his hand, "I'm Fang."
I ignored him, "I have a half-brother?"
"Yes and more importantly him and his friends wouldn't mind helping in the war." Chaos said.
I growled, "Fine, send us back. They can come." Chaos nodded, waving his hand. The five strangers disappeared along with Nightmare, leaving just me and him.
"Dream...I think you should tell them who you are."
"What? I thought we were on a no tell past name mission?"
"You were, but Nightmare told everyone who he was, they'll figure it out soon enough. Why not save them the trouble and tell them? Plus they'll trust someone they know."
"Why would they trust me? They kicked me out, banished me, voted for my death."
"I believe that might have been a moment of clouded judgment."
"Yeah, clouded judgement, hey everyone it's okay to accuse your son of killing his mother and cheating on his girlfriend, yeah it's also okay to vote to kill him, like ten times!" I screamed.
"Dream...please? The best thing to do in this situation is to tell them who you are. You'll be able to gain their trust much sooner."
I nodded, knowing what I had to do. "Fine, I shall do as you say."
"Thank you my son." Chaos said.
"Please send me back now, if I'm going to do this I need to do it before I change my mind." The world faded around me and I was suddenly standing on a table. I looked around, "Oh great, everyone's here." I said looking around at all the campers. "My father has instructed that I tell you my name on this earth. I shall tell you my story and see if you can guess it."
"Can you get your filthy feet out of my food?" asked a girl at the table I was standing on.
"Fine Annabeth, I shall just make myself comfortable." I jumped gracefully of the table and over to the middle of the room, I flicked my wrist making a chair appear. "Now my story starts many years ago. I was twelve. I went on a school field trip and ended up killing my first monster. Then my mother was thought dead as I escaped to camp. I went on a quest, the first one in years, to save the world from my dad and uncle. Killed my dad's ex-girlfriend, and said hello to a poodle. I returned my uncles weapon and got my mom back. Beat a god in a fight in the process, and was betrayed by one of my best friends, he had tried to kill me. Then I was thirteen. Camp barriers were broken down and Thalia's tree was dying. A quest was issued and I was not a part of it but I still snuck out of camp along with my two friends and half-brother. We traveled to the sea of monsters were I met a sorceress who turned me into a guinea pig. We managed to save the tree and Thalia was brought to life. About a year later one of my best friends called myself and my other friend, plus Thalia, to help collect to half-bloods. We managed to get them but lost one friend along the way. One of them joined the hunters. A quest was given and Thalia, the Un-lost friend, and two hunters went on a quest. I snuck out to join them. The one who joined the hunters died and so did another hunter. Thalia became a hunter and the friend was saved, along with Artemis. Which I helped by holding up the sky. The other half-blood turned out to be the son of hades and ran away after saving my life. I went on like this for years saving everyone. I was apart of at least eight prophecies. I went to Tartarus and back. I was accused of killing my mother and step-dad, cheating on Annabeth, and stealing and pranking almost everyone of you. I was disowned and sentenced to death. I only lived because I found my true self and because few people/gods still believed in me this world. Now if you haven't figured it out yet, I am Percy Jackson," I said ripping off my mask, "Now you all know why I kept my face hidden. I used to believe I was a son of Poseidon but all along I have been a son of Chaos." Once again I stalked away from them all.

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