Chapter 14

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Hey guys, someone asked me if I was bringing in Harry Potter...well I'm doing it. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Also I'd like to shoutout to Gracegaram and QueenRose88 they have been helping me edit and have listened to me rant about all kinds of nonsense. They allowed me to bounce ideas off of. It honestly helps me a lot. All you other writers should give it a try. So here it is...


Dreams POV-

After I left the cabin Nightmare made, and after the shock of seeing him without his mask, I went to the Burrow. "Harry! Ron! Hermione! Ginny!" I yelled knowing that they should all be here, but know one answered. I walked outside, looking for wherever everyone could be. I saw a big white tent, like the one used for Bill's wedding. I walked over to the tent. I peeked inside. There stood Harry at the alter. What the heck! By him stood two people, Ron and... Malfoy. On the other side was Hermione and...Pansy? The priest got right up to the part where he asked for any rejections. I decided to make a dramatic entrance. I changed quickly into a suit with a mask similar to the phantom from the phantom of the opera. I strode into the room. I walked up to the alter. "I object!" I said, my voice ringing through the tent. I looked at Ginny like I was about to talk to her. "Harry, how could you do this to me?" I asked. He looked confused. I took my mask and threw it off, "How could you not invite me to your wedding?" I said.
He smiled, "Percy!" Hermione, the Weasly's, and a few other people in the crowd called.
"Percy I would have sent you and invite but I had no idea where you were." he explained.
"I understand." I said, nodding. I looked up a second later, "Well do I have a deal for you! How would you and a few of our friends like to take a nice trip to my second home. Camp Half-Hell. We could go canoeing, we could climb a rock wall, we could come up with excuses to stand in their food, and most importantly we could save the world! What do you say? Want to finish this wedding and take a trip?"
They looked at each other and then back at me, "Of course!" they answered together.
"Great!" I said clapping my hands together. I went and stood by Ron, putting my mask back on. "Continue please."

-___Too after wedding ceremony___-

"That was fun guys but we should really get going," I told them.
"Okay, let's go." Harry said.
"Who is all coming?" I asked.
"Well, George, Ginny, Charlie, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Draco, and Pansy, oh and myself." Harry told me.
"Okay, we are going to have to use the teleport." I snapped my fingers and a black door appeared. "Camp Half-Blood," I whispered into it, "Okay everyone, one at a time jump through the door," I said opening the door for them. They all ran and jumped into it, taking turns. After everyone had gone through I looked back at the burrow before jumping in.

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