Chapter 4

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*Percy POV*

Nico told me to hold on so I did. We appeared in some woods somewhere. "Nico where are we," I asked.

"Um well we are in some woods where I don't know but it is woods." We started walking around looking for a place to camp. When we found a good place we sat down next to each other. "Okay so I'll take first watch," Nico told me. I wanted to argue but I was really tired. I laid down next to him and closed my eyes.

-Time lapse for however long he got to sleep-

I woke up to Nico saying my name, "Percy, come on Percy wake up this is kind of, um well it's an awkward position. Please wake up Percy." Gods his voice started to shake. Crap I just realized I had my arms are wrapped around something small and rather scrawny. It was breathing.

"Morning Nico," I said.

"Um Percy could you like let go...of me." He started moving.

"Don't move let me sleep," yes I realize this is an awkward position but I'm tired and just because it's awkward doesn't mean it's not comfy.

"But it's your watch."

"Five more minutes," I whined. I looked at him and used my puppy dog eyes. He blushed. So cute.

"Gah fine but only five minutes. Okay sleep."

"Night," I closed my eyes and drifted off and without knowing it I tightened my hold on Nico.

-five minutes later-

"Okay it's been five minutes, time to wake up Percy."

"I'm up," I said, relaxing my arms so he could escape. I then rolled over and just lay there. I noticed Nico looking at me, "Whay are you looking at," I asked him.

He blushed and said, "You," but he said it so quietly that I could hardly hear him. "Okay time to leave. We don't want to be attacked or anything." Just then we heard a growl.

"Great man you jinxed us," I exclaimed.

"Oh shut up and take my hand so we can leave." He blushed again. Gods what is it with him and blushing

"No let's fight," he tossed me a dagger I didn't know he had and we stood back to back ready to fight. A hellhound jumped out of the bushes at Nico and a few more came out on my side. We were killing them like crazy but it was like for every monster we killed five more showed up. After killing what felt like a thousand monsters Nico and I were on the ground panting for breath. We heard clapping from somewhere in the woods and I felt a hand on my head and felt instantly better. I looked up to see a man in his mid thirties. He wore a suit that was darker than night and had planets, stars, pretty much all things in space roaming all over it. His eyes were like nothing I've ever seen before. They were like all of space but... oh I can't explain it.

"Hello I'm Chaos," he said looking at Nico and myself.

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