Chapter 11

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-Renya POV-
I walked to the campfire where I thought the campers must be. They were no where else. The camp had called for a meeting and so I left Zhang in charge. I walked to the campfire to find the entire camp staring at two people. One was taller than the other. I couldn't see either of their faces. The entire camp seemed to hold their breath. A voice was heard, "Renya, no need to hide in the shadows, we know your here." said the smaller one. I stepped closer and into the light.
"Hello, and who may you be?" I questioned but tried to sound polite.
"I'm Nightmare, he's Dream," said the smaller one.
"Okay...why are you two here?"
"Oh well, my father Chaos sent us here on a mission. We are to help you guys win a war!" Dream said excited.
"Your dad?" I asked.
"Dulcis Somniabunt, son of Chaos at your service," he said bowing dramatically, "Well not really but...whatever."
"Wait your name is sweet dreams?" asked Matt.
"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Dream asked.
Matt opened his mouth to answer when Nightmare started talking, "I would not anger Dream, he is Chaos son and best assassin. Plus both of us are Primordials, we could kill you with a snap of our fingers. Also Dream lives up to his name..." he left that hanging, making us all wonder what he meant by it. "And I live up to mine." You could faintly see Nightmare smile from under his hood.
"Who are you?" asked a camper.
"We told you-" Dream started.
"No you've been here before, you said so yourself's, and as far as any of us know there has never been a son of Chaos here until today."
"Well that's where your wrong, I was here but nobody, not even myself, knew who I truly was. So just because I don't appear as I did then doesn't mean I'm not still that person." he said.
"You said that you and your friend are here to help us win this war, what difference will two boys make?" a girl asked.
Nightmare and Dream shared a look. Before we could react, they both threw off their cloaks. For the first time since I had arrived I could see their eyes. The taller one had eyes that seemed to change color, but mostly stuck with shades of blue. The other boy had darker eyes. "What difference could we make? The difference between life and death, that's what. Not only are we Primordials, but we have been trained by every other primordial, including Gaea. We do not stand alone either, we have friends across space...and time. So don't be talking about what we could possibly do to help, think about what would happen without us." Everything was silent. "Good, now, the enemy is more than just demigods can handle. I have friends...across this world who would be willing to help. There's many groups that you all do not know of that would help in this war. I will bring them here. Nightmare shall help if a fight breaks out." Dream told us. He looked at the sky, "It's time for me to go. Bye Night."
"See ya, Dream." and with that Dream disappeared Ina cloud of smoke. "Who wants to help build a house?"

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