1. Tommy ❤️

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Universe: IRL

AU: High School

Prompt: Youre being bullied by Tommy's old unnamed friend group but Tommy had enough and protected you :D

Word count: 1314

//TW: Bullying, Violence//


"Y/N, you know the drill." One of the bullies spoke as two of them went behind me to make sure I wont run off again. "Lunch money. Now."

"Aren't you guys rich? Dont you guys have money?" I looked at him straight in the eye. "Oh right, your parents dont love you enough to give you money."

"Dont you dare speak up, or else. Make this easy and give what we want." He replied angrily as they cracked their knuckles threatening me.

I didnt flinch at all, I was scarred physically and mentally enough by these people. Im not afraid to get hit again.

You wonder why these guys havent been suspended yet, well, their leader is the principal's son.

The principal sucks too let me tell you, he owns the title of owning the best school in our town, but he only uses that title for reputation, he isnt a really good principal. He feeds his son's ego that motivates him to do this. He does have money but he is sadistic and enjoys bullying me. Just me.

The other two's fathers are businessmen working with the principal. They are well known business men too but they are not like the principal, they are more nicer but their kids however, complete opposite.

One of them has been missing. Whenever these douche bags tried to get my money, he was nowhere to be found. I see him in the hallways but he was never with them.

"I guess we will go the hard way." He said after a few seconds of me being quiet.

The two boys from behind me grabbed my wrists and dragged me to the back of the school. We went past a few students but none of them dared to interfere because these boys mean business.

When we got to the back, the two pushed me to the wall and grabbed my bag and searched it. I never tried to fight it, this happens everyday. I never bothered to fight.

"Money, give it to me now." Their leader threatened me.

"I dont have any." I spoke.

He punched me in the face in the same spot he punched me yesterday.

"GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!" He shouted as one of the guys punched my stomach.

He is being a child to be honest, he is rich in ego but not in lunch money(and fatherly love). I really had no money today. Whats the point, they will take it and I wont have lunch anyway. Im just benefitting them.

I was letting them just punch me until they get bored and leave me alone but someone from behind them spoke,

"Let her go."

I was already on the floor full of bruises and some cuts. I recognized the voice and looked behind them, it was Tommy, their member that has been missing in their group.

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