4. Ranboo 💙

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*throws angst at you* Enjoy my beloved reader :)

Universe: Dream SMP

Prompt: Ranboo is in his enderwalking state again but this time, his enderwalk is much worse and it affected you for the worse.

Word count: 1032

"Y/N!" Tubbo slammed through Y/N's door, huffing, catching him off-guard.

"What?" Y/N turned to Tubbo. A worried look was on his face when he saw Tubbo's expression. "What?!"

"Its Ranboo."


Y/N ran like there was no tomorrow.

"This cant be happening." He thought. "No, no, no! It cant be, no!"

He kept on running even if his eyes were flooded with tears, he didnt stop. He ran and ran until he felt the sudden change of temperature.

Ranboo was in his enderwalking state and now he was not responding to anyone, not even Tubbo.

Y/N continued to run past the buildings until he got to where Ranboo was, on the mansion's front balcony. Tommy was at the foot of the balcony afraid that something might happen to him or Ranboo if he approach him.

"RANBOO!" Y/N shouted, trying to catch his attention. "RANBOO, ITS ME! Y/N!"

Ranboo was just there standing, frozen, not even flinching a bit. Y/N shouted a few more times with all his strength but nothing changed. He was already freezing, he didn't even bother to put on warm clothes before he left. He needs to make sure Ranboo is okay.

He finally decided to run up to where the balcony was when Ranboo never flinched. Tommy tried to stop him but he just ran.

"Y/N!" Tommy shouted. "Wait!"

What worries him the most is that Ranboo's eyes werent his normal enderwalking eyes which is purple, this time it was a blinding neon green.

Y/N ran through the halls of the mansion until he reach the balcony. He walked through the door and called Ranboo, afraid that he might startle him if they just approach him. Tommy was just behind him who followed a little bit after Y/N ran in.

"Ranboo?" Y/N called with a shaky voie. "Hey? I-Its me!"

Ranboo never flinched. He wasnt acknowledging Y/N's presence there. Y/N decided to walk up to him, still trying to talk to him.

"Ranboo?" Y/N called, tears flowing down his cheeks. "This has to be a joke right?"

Tommy arrived at the doorway to the balcony just as when Ranboo was finally in Y/N's reach, landing their hand on his shoulder.

"Boo?" Y/N called as he put his hand on Ranboo's shoulder.

"Ranboo!" All of a sudden, Ranboo softened, collapsing. Y/N, luckily, caught him and slowly laid him on the floor while his head laid on their lap. Tommy rushed to them when he saw Ranboo collapse.

"Ranboo!" Y/N cried, shaking him awake. "Wake up please!"

Tubbo, who finally caught up to Y/N, was at the entrance of the balcony, watching in pain as Tommy comforted Y/N who cried while trying to wake up Ranboo.

"Ranboo!!" Y/N screamed, their tears flowing down their cheeks. "Your enderwalk has never been this bad, please wake up!"

As Tubbo walked up to them, he spotted Ranboo's journal a few feet away from them. He walked up to it and grabed it, looking in its contents.

He couldnt understand most of the contents of it since it was in Enderman language but what he knows is that Y/N's name was not in the book.

"Guys..?" Tubbo called, Y/N looked up to him. "Y/N.. Your name(lmao).. its not here.."

"What..?" Y/N asked. "Its has to be there! We wrote it so many fucking times! Why is it still not there!?"

"I dont know!" Tubbo shouted back. All of a sudden, Ranboo started to wake up.

"Boo?" Y/N called. As Ranboo sat up, he looks at Tubbo and Tommy then Y/N.

"Tubbo." He whispered. "Tommy." Tubbo lend a hand to him and pulled him up.

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked. "We were worried."

"Yeah, dude." Tommy added, standing. "Are you good?"

Y/N stood up, wiping his tears away. Ranboo seems fine. No injuries of whatever but why didー

"Yeah, I'm okay.. but who are they?" Ranboo asked.

Y/N froze.

"What?" Y/N whispered. "No.. no.. this is a joke."

"Right?" Y/N laughed, putting his hands up to his hair. "This has to be a joke!"

Ranboo looked at Tubbo and Tommy confused.

"Im sorry." Ranboo said. "But I really do not remember you..."

Y/N turned to them, tears flowing down his cheeks one by one. Y/N felt his legs get weaker as he kneeled down on the cold floor until he was sitting on his calves. They couldnt believe that the person who loved them and the person they loved the most would forget about them. Why Ranboo? Why does it have to be him of all people? Tubbo ran to Y/N, removing his jacket and putting it over their shoulders.

Y/N never thought he would give up on making Ranboo remember him but this was it, there was no point anymore. Every other time that Ranboo goes into his enderwalk state, he wouldnt just stay still and not flinch at all. He would walk around and Y/N and Tubbo would guide him to avoid anything that will endanger him until he wakes up. Sometimes he even gets to talk to them in his enderwalk state but now, he stays still, his enderwalk lasting longer than normal or causing him to collapse.

This has already happened a lot of times before. They tried everything they could so Ranboo could remember Y/N, but whatever they do, his name gets erased in his book. No trace of their name, memory with Ranboo, heck, even a memory with Y/N that includes Tubbo or Tommy, only the boys were written and not him. There was no trace of Y/N as if he never existed.

Y/N sat there, sobbing, remembering not a loss of a family member, or a friend. But remembering the loss of the memories and moments that they treasured the most with Ranboo. He is now lost along with the memories of him in Ranboo's head, forever to be forgotten.

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