22. Tommy ❤️

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//CW: a series of Clingy and wholesome Tommy(lmao)//


Movie Night(but you were streaming)

"Y/N.." Tommy groaned. "Watch a movie with me pleaaaase!!"

"What?" Y/N turned her chair to face Tommy. "Im streaming, ask Tubbo or Ranboo."

"I already asked them." Tommy replied. "They dont want to. Theyre doing shit or something."

"Ask again." Y/N said back.

"It'll be pointless." Tommy shrugged.

"Fine, we will watch after stream." Y/N smiled at him.

"Ugh." Tommy said then turned his back to Y/N. "Fine."

Y/N chuckled and turned back to her stream again, she leaned over the mic and whispered "He's being clingy, chat."

Tommy heard it and grabbed a pillow from Tubbo's couch and threw it at Y/N.

"Ow!" Y/N laughed. "What the fuck?!"



Y/N rubbed her shoulder as a cold breeze blew right at the direction they were walking.

They were walking home from a short walk in the park. Y/N didnt wear or bring a jacket since she thought itll be a hot day but it turned to a cold one all of a sudden.

Tommy noticed Y/N's discomfort so he took off his jacket and offered it to Y/N.

"Here." Tommy said making Y/N turn to him.

"What-?" Y/N replied. "N-No n-need."

"You're literally shaking." Tommy said sternly.

"Y'You'll shake if I-I take that." Y/N said. Right after a breeze blew past them again.

Tommy rolled his eyes and placed his jacket on Y/N's shoulder. She doesnt have to wear it, she just needs to put it on to keep herself warm.

"There." Tommy said after placing his jacket. "Why didnt you wear one anyway?"

"I forgot." Y/N said, pulling his jacket to cover her whole body.

"Just wear it." Tommy said.

"Alright, fine." Y/N replied then put on Tommy's jacket.

"See? It feels better."

"I have to admit, it does feel better."

Tommy smiled and then they continued to walk home.


Food break

"Here, have some cookies." Tommy said as he placed down a small plate of them on Y/N's desk.

Y/N was studying for a test and she has been busy for a while and hasnt left the guest room she was staying in.

"Thank you." Y/N replied looking up at Tommy. He smiled back.

"You know," Tommy said as he walked to sit down on Y/N's bed. "you should take a break."

"I cant." Y/N replied not even bothering to look up from her textbook. "Im busy studying."

"I can see that." said Tommy rolling his eyes. "But you need to rest your brain to not get stressed and forget everything you studied for."

Y/N sighed. "I guess." Y/N looked at Tommy with a tired smile.

Tommy smiled and pointed at the plate of cookies. "Go eat those."

"Okay." Y/N grabbed the plate of cookies and offered some to Tommy. "You eat some too."

Tommy grabbed a cookie. "Dont worry, youll do great." Then he took a bite from his cookie.

Y/N smiled.

"Dont leave crumbs on the bed."

"I wont."



Tommy and Y/N were playing on the Dream SMP and they just did a very sad roleplay. It made Y/N cry since it was part of the plan and throughout the stream, Tommy was upset that she was crying.

After the stream, Y/N was sniffling and wiping her tears away. From where her character stood and faced, she saw Tommy's character, running towards her.

When he stopped, he crouched in front of her. She realized him so she made her character move. She looked back at him and this made Tommy smile on the other side of the screen and then threw a flower at her character.

Y/N crouched as she picked it up. She smiled and held it on her hand. She opened the chat and typed "thank you Tommy <3" to which Tommy responded with "youre welcome :D" then ran off.


(Some of these actually melted my heart, ack)

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now