3. Ranboo ❤️

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Universe: Origins SMP

Prompt: Youre a Merling with Niki and you developed a crush on Ranboo despite your opposites.

A/N: lets act that the pub isnt called the pube, it makes me uncomfy sorry.

A/N 2: in my head canon, Merlings normally have tails in water but when in land, even if it is raining, their tails turn to legs so they can walk around.

Word Count: 965

I was helping Niki build our little place in the lake, being the Merling we are, keeping the water part of the place beautiful.

"Niki, Ill go up to the pub." I told Niki as I place down the last stone brick.

"Okay!" She excitedly answered.

I swam up the makeshift waterfall they connected to the lake and stayed at the little spot they have for us. I saw that Phil was finishing building the pub.

"Ayup Phil!" I greeted sitting down on the corner of the aquarium.

"Hello!" He greeted back.

"What ya finishing?" I asked.

"Just finishing the interior."

"Ahh, I see." I replied, "Youve been alone?"

"Ranboo was here, I think he is helping Tubbo now with their underground base." He said as he finished placing some stuff down and looking towards me. "Wheres Niki?"

"She was finishing some decorations on our hangout area in the lake." I replied, "I decided to go here. I was bored."

"Well, this isnt the place where you want to be." He shrugged, "There isnt anyone here besides me."

"I mean, the only places I can go is the lake, and here." I turned to look at him. "I cant even go down to their underground base."

"I can ask them to have a water passage for you to go through." He replied as he went near the edge to fly down.

"I-I mean, yeah, if that isnt much of a problem."

"Its not a problem, Ill go tell them." He smiled and he flew down.

I swam back down to the lake and saw that Niki was gone to where she was before but there was some familiar people who were hanging out on a beautiful side of the lake. There was flowers there and trees covering a part of the water to give it some shade.

There was Ranboo, Niki and Tubbo.

Ranboo was on the shore crouched down to get closer to Niki but not touching the water, Tubbo floating above the water and Niki is leaning on the shore with her tail under the water. I decided to get to where they are.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hey Y/N!" Tubbo excitedly greeted while floating above me.

"Hey Tubbo." I waved at him then swam towards Niki and Ranboo, "Hey!"

"Oh, Hi Y/N!" Niki turned to me and waved.

"Hey!" Ranboo greeted then sat down the grass with alliums, tulips and more flowers around him. He looks very soft and calm with the scenery.

"Hey." I answered back and smiled at him, "What you guys up to?"

"Nothing, just catching up." Ranboo replied.

"Mhm!" Niki added.

I told Tubbo and Ranboo that Phil has something wants to add to their underground base. Tubbo flew off and Niki continued building underwater. I was left with Ranboo. We continued to chat until it started raining. Ranboo panicked and hid under the tree but some rain droplets got to his skin and left a bit of a burn (ironic lmao). Ranboo hissed because of the pain.

I got off of the water and ran to Wilbur's house. I got in and saw that he was there.

"Hey Wil?" I greeted when I saw him.

"Ayup Y/N, how can I help you?" He replied looking at me.

"Ranboo burned himself with water, again." I scratched the back of my head, "Can I have some bandages?"

"Yep, theres some in the chest." He replied pointing at the chest at the corner of the room. "You better hurry up or youll ran out of breath."

"Oh shit right." I rushed to the chest and grabbed bandages and ran out the door keeping the bandages dry.

I sat infront of Ranboo then I wiped my hands dry before grabbing his arm. I grabbed the dry cloth and wiped his arm gently.

"Dont worry, Ill help you find a water protection book and learn how to put them on your clothes and armor." I replied and smiled at him.

"I mean you dont have to." He replied looking away. I looked at him and saw that he has a slight tint of pink on his face despite having a dark skin, its still obvious.

"I wanna help." I said and grabbed bandages and wrapped it on his arm. "I dont wanna see you get burned by water again."

I was wrapping the bandage around his arm when I realized I need to make myself wet again or else my skin dries and it gets irritated. I moved back to where the rain can touch me again and stayed there for a bit.

"You know, out of all the people, youre the one I am most comfortable with, despite our opposites." He said as he wrap his arm with the remaining bandage.

"Even if I.. unintentionally burn you?" I asked as I look at him.

"Mhm." He nodded and smiled. "Youre caring, and you always put others first before yourself, even if your life depended on it."

He picked a flower and gave it to me. I gladly took it but I avoided touching him to not burn him more.

"Thank you." I smiled and I felt my face heat up. I looked at him and he is scratching the back of his head with still the same tint of pink on his face.

"If you ever need help, Im here. Always."

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