8. Tubbo ❤️

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Universe: Dream SMP

AU: Time Travel

Prompt: Youre a Time Traveller, you travelled to the past and met a very sweet boy that has bees as his companions and only entertainment.

Word Count: 947

I opened my eyes to see an old looking town. Houses are made out of wood and stone. There were people around that look happy and cheerful. The place doesnt look modern nor futuristic. I must have travelled to the past.

"Excuse me?" I asked on passerby.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Can I ask what day it is today?"

"Its 23rd of March 1876, why?" She replied.

"Oh, I kinda got my dates confused." I chuckled, "Thank you!"

"No Problem."

I was way back in the past. I decided to roam around the town to see how the townsfolk are. A lot of them are really kind and approachable, a kid even gave me an apple.

I continued to roam around when I saw a little pathway between the houses. I decided to follow it and I saw a few trees behind it. Knowing that I wont probably be back in this place, I decided to just go for it. If Ill die, Ill die.

When I went in through the forest, there was a ledge above more trees. On it was a kid, around my age, with bees and flowers around him, and he was staring off to the sunset. I decided to go up to where he is. I didnt want to scare him but I think I failed, I stepped on some dried leaves and he turned to my direction immediately.

"Who are you?" He asked standing up.

"I-Im Y/N." I replied.

"Whats your business around here?" He asked as he walked closer with an eyebrow raised.

"I was wandering through the town then I saw a small pathway then went through it then saw the forest and went through it then I saw you."

"What do you want from me?"

"I dont want anything from you, I was just wandering." I replied, scratching the back of my head, "Also wondering why youre alone."

He turned to the sunset again and sat down. "Thats none of your business."

"Okay, Ill go ahead then." I said as I turned around but then he spoke again.


"Hmm?" I turned to his direction again.

"I could use some company, actually." He looked at me and smiled.

We talked for hours, I learned why he was alone and why he was really aggressive to me at first.

"The townsfolk may seem nice to you, but not to me. You see the blocked off castle?" He asked pointing to the castle that seem to be havent been touched for years.

"Mhm." I replied.

"That used to be ours. Well my family's. My father was the king and he was apparently the worst king to ever rule this place. To my eyes, he wasnt, I was too young to understand. But when he died, they banished my mom from this place but since I was young, they kept me here and let me grew up in the orphanage until I can live alone. Just a few months ago they kicked me out. The town swore that no one of his bloodline will live except for me. They knew I was young to understand and have no idea how cruel my father was, so they knew I wont grow up like him but since some people still think I was like him, they still decided to show me how my father treated them."

I felt bad for him. He didnt deserve to be treated like that just because of his family.

"Im sorry." I added after being quiet for so long.

"Its okay." He shrugged. "Some people are nice and they are helping me."

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"Im just here to escape reality, its nice to have some time for yourself."

"Yeah." I replied.

"What about you? Why are you here?" He asked looking at me.

"I like to wander around and just explore." I smiled while looking at the distance.

He hummed in response. We continued to stare at the sunset until the sun was not seen anymore.

"You know, having you here is nice." He spoke after the comfortable silence. "Its like a company I never felt with the flowers and bees."

"Yeah. Its nice." I replied. "Its not like other times I spent time with friends."

After that, we got into the comfortable silence again. After a while, I felt tired and rested my head on his shoulder. I was afraid he was not gonna let me but he leaned his head on my head too.

"Whats your name?" I whispered. I know my time in this place will be up and I want to atleast know what his name is.

"Tubbo, but you can call me Toby." He replied whispering.

"Im Y/N." I smiled, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Y/N." Toby replied back.

I drifted off to sleep leaning on Toby's shoulder. It was comfortable.

When I woke up, I was on a different place, but this time it was my room. The first thing I saw was the bright sunlight right up my face. I was back in my own timeline.

I groaned as I got up and tried to remember where I just was. I was debating if it was either a reality or just a dream. I dont really remember anything, the last thing I remember was someone taking my hand and crossing it with theirs.

(A/N: this is bad I have no inspo for this one, I just went for it lol)

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