19. Tommy ✨️

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Im no figure skater or instructor alright? The tutorial here is just based on my experience honestly so yeah lol

This is mainly Tommy but there are also a few others but its mainly Tommy :D

This one sucks but I hope you enjoy :)


Tommy has asked me to go Ice Skating with him for a vlog, along with Tubbo, Ranboo and George.

While Im in the UK, I stay with Tommy in his house, sometimes staying at Tubbo's house with him too.

"Y/N, wake up." Tommy said shaking me awake.

"Ugh.." I groaned. "What..?"

"We are gonna go ice skating remember?" Tommy said. "You said you will teach us since you know the basics?"

"Oh right." Y/N said, standing up. "I forgot."

"Usually Im the one slacking." Tommy said, about to walk out the door. "Today, its you."

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. Once it hit him, he laughed and ran out.

I got out of bed and started to get ready.


I just wore long sleeves then put on a sweater on top where the cuff of the long sleeves under wont show. Double protection from the cold I guess. I also wore leggings so I can have my legs protected but not restrained. I also put some gloves and socks in my bag. After I got my things ready, I put on my foot socks and wore my converse shoes.

I got out of my room and just when I was about to go downstairs, I saw Tommy ready too. He was wearing warm clothes which is good.

"Oh, hey!" I greeted.

"Hey." He greeted back.

"You got everything you need?" I asked. "Socks, gloves, everything?"

"Yeah." Tommy nodded.

"Alright, lets go." I said then walked down the stairs, Tommy following right after.


We arrived at where Tommy paid the ice skating rink for. When we got there, Tubbo, Ranboo and George were already there.

"Hey guys!" Tubbo greeted us.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hey Tubz!" Tommy greeted. "Hey Ranboo, Gogy."

We all greeted each other and proceeded to enter. We changed from our shoes to the skating shoes we rented and since I know a bit about ice skating, I decided to go first and try out the rink for myself.

Tommy also started recording and documenting the others while changing into skating shoes. He also recorded me going in on my own, making various comments making fun of me but I didnt mind.

It was definitely cold but I missed the feeling. I started skating around the rink, slowly but surely, I havent been in one in a while so, Im still trying to get the hang of it again.

When Tommy decided to go in he shouted for me to help him.

"Y/N!" Tommy shouted. "Come back, help me!"

I turned to him and laughed as he slowly stepped into the ice rink while holding on to the railings on the side. He looked like a cat that is holding for dear life when it got wet. I skated over to where he was.

"Hey." I greeted. "Need help?"

"Yes." Tommy said with his shaky about to laugh voice. "Help me, please."

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now