14. Tubbo ❤️

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"TUBBO, CAN YOU STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?!" Y/N screamed as she kept on teleporting to different spots around the BearSMP.

"But I am god." Tubbo replied, the smirk very noticeable in his voice.


"Alright." Tubbo snapped his fingers and Y/N stopped teleporting but she ended up on top of a tree.

"AH!" She screaned as she fell through the leaves, landing in between the branches.

"You good?" Tubbo flew towards the tree she fell in. Tubbo peaked through the leaves and saw Y/N there, stuck between some banches.

"Do I look good to you?" Y/N stared at Tubbo.

"You do." Tubbo said as he rested his chin on his palms. He laid on his stomach as if there was something to lay on in the air.

Y/N rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Just get me down."

"And what do I get?" Tubbo asked.

"You bullied me enough. Please, Tubbo." Y/N looked at Tubbo.

Tubbo sighed and smiled, sitting down as if he was sitting on a couch. He snapped his fingers and Y/N was teleported on to the ground.

"Alright." Tubbo said.

Y/N yelped as she got teleported and fell on her butt. She stood up and brushed off the leaves on her clothes.

"Finally." Y/N sighed but before she could take another step, she got teleported all around again.

"Oops." Tubbo chuckled.

'TUBBO!" Y/N screamed.


"Y/N, Im sorry!!" Tubbo pleaded as Y/N walked with clenched fists and furrowed eyebrows. "I was just messing around!"

Y/N just grunted and kept on walking.

"PLEASE!!" Tubbo kept on pleading as he float beside her, occasionally floating or teleporting in front of her to make her stop but she just walks around. "Let me teleport you home, please forgive meeeee!"

Y/N glared at Tubbo and he smiled shyly. Y/N rolled her eyes and continued walking.

After walking for a few minutes, Y/N finally got to her home.

"Finally." She sighed as she walked up to the front door.

She entered her house and Tubbo attempted to enter too but she blocked him off.

"No." Y/N said.

"Whaaaat?" Tubbo asked.

"You go stay somewhere else. Ive had enough of your bullshit." Y/N said, about to close the door on Tubbo.

"I can just faze through the walls you know that right?" Tubbo said, smirking. Y/N looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"You're a god, not a ghost." Y/N responded.

"Yeah, youre right." Tubbo chuckling, scratching the back of his head. "But please forgive me and let me in!"

"No, go and ask someone else to stay with." Y/N said. "You drained my energy with all your bs."

Y/N closed the door on Tubbo. Tubbo frowned as he flew away.

He sat down on a few steps from Y/N's house and stayed there. He watched as a few people walked by and waved at him. He waved back until he saw some flowers that was growing on someone's house.

Tubbo got an idea and summoned flowers right in his hands. He smiled and flew to Y/N's window.

He saw Y/N arranging some things into her closet, her back against the window. He was about to knock on her window but then Y/N turned and saw him floating.

"AH!" Y/N yelped and fell back slightly. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THERE?!"


Tubbo then snapped his fingers and flowers popped on Y/N's bed. Y/N looked at it and then back at Tubbo.

Tubbo was looking at things other than Y/N, his cheeks tinted pink. Y/N walked towards her bed and picked up the flowers. The flowers were Camellias, that represent admiration and it was Y/N's favorite flowers. She smiled, her cheeks blushed and walked towards the window, opening it.

"Come on." Y/N said and walked out of her room.

Tubbo smiled and flew in. He landed on his feet and looked around her room.

Y/N walked back in and placed the flowers on a flower vase and placed it by her desk which was by another window.

"Thank you." Y/N said turning to Tubbo. "They're my favorite."

"I know." Tubbo smiled. "You told me once before."

"Right." Y/N chuckled as she sat on her bed. "So?"

Tubbo looked at Y/N. Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.

"Im sorry." Tubbo said. "For annoying you."

"Its fine. Thats just how you are." Y/N stood up and walked up to him. She got on her toes and gave Tubbo a kiss on the cheek. "You're forgiven."

Tubbo blushed and smiled. Y/N smiled back and grabbed his wrist.

"Now, we troll other people." Y/N said.

"Okay! Lets go!" Tubbo replied, following Y/N.

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now