15. Ranboo 💙

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//CW: Anxiety Attack, derealization, slight mention of suicide(im not going to fully write about it, its just what we are gonna think that happened), depression//

(Dont worry, Im not going to write anything like this anymore. This is something very serious and risky to write because if I interpret it wrongly, Im gonna get hated on :/  so trust my word that there would be no more chapters like this.)

((If Mr. Boo dont like stories that include him in topics like this, pls let me know and Ill take this down :D))

(((Pls tell me your thoughts and opinions on this chapter so I can see if yall approve of this or nah because im kinda proud kinda not because it may upset people so please tell me your feedback right after you read it! Thank you!!)))


I walked over to where Ranboo was. He was under our favorite tree in the SMP. It was hidden mostly from everyone so it was always our hangout place. No one to bother us, to interrupt us. Just relax and enjoy the company of each other.

"Hi boo." I greeted and smiled at him. "How've you been?"

I sat down on the swing that was hung up the tree and enjoyed the cool breeze, letting it blow past my hair.

"Ive been doing great and I hope you too." I continued, swinging myself using my feet. "You know, its been a while since we have been here together."

I continued swinging as I stared at the scenery of all the buildings in the SMP. The sun was still out but this place is better at night. When all the lights are on and when all the people are asleep. All you could hear is the night ambience made out of crickets, the wind, the water, and the faint sound of burning from the torches.

"I missed this." I sighed. "I didnt think I would ever come back here again after everything that happened."

"But here I am." I chuckled, standing up from the swing and walking over next to him. "Coming back here, over and over again whenever I can."

"I dont regret it though." I shrugged. "Its beautiful. It reminds me of.. you."

I looked at him and smiled.

"Beautiful as always." I chuckled.

I laid down on the grass, one arm was behind my head and my other arm was resting on my stomach.

"I wonder if there is something that reminds you of me." I said.

I turned to my side and looked at him. "Is there something, Boo?"

All of a sudden, a bird landed on one of the big rocks next to the tree.

"A bird reminds you of me?" I chuckled. "Thats funny. Why is that?"

"Is it because Im free? Or rather care free?" I corrected. "I dont really care about things and just do them without a care, is that why?"

"Yeah. Maybe it is why." I chuckled again. I laid back on my back and then sighed deeply.

I closed my eyes and rested both my arms on my stomach. I enjoyed the peace for once while I was there with him. Even if it was just peace, I enjoyed it, as long as I know he is with me, Im enjoying it. After a while, I ended up falling asleep.


"Y/N~." A faint voice called.

"Y/N~!" The voice called but this time louder.

"Y/N wake up!" The voice called again, this time recognizable. It was Ranboo.

I opened my eyes to see Ranboo staring down at me.

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now