5. Tommy & Tubbo ✨️

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Universe: Dream SMP

Prompt: You, Tommy and Tubbo won the disc war and decided to have a quality time together.

(Short wholesome Platonic Oneshot :D)

Word count: 393

After winning the disc saga, me, Tubbo and Tommy felt very happy defeating Dream and putting him in prison. Years of torture and manipulation for the three of us was finally over.

We thanked everyone for helping us before we walked home going through the nether portal from Dream's bunker. We congratulated each other on how great we did during the fight before our stuff was blown up.

When we got through the community nether portal, we looked around feeling the aura of freedom from Dream's control.

We walked to where the bench is and sat there. We took in the beauty of the sunset in front of us. We also put in one of the discs, Mellohi, and put the other in his enderchest.

We listened to it in peace, not worrying about anything.

"We did great." I spoke as I leaned back on the bench putting one of my arms over it.

"Yeah we did." Tommy spoke, "Its because I was there."

"Hey give us some credit." Tubbo said punching Tommy's arm lightly.

We chuckled and we stared at the sunset once again.

We were getting tired but we didnt care, we needed this break for so long. It was just staring and listening to Mellohi until I felt Tubbo lean on my shoulder. He fell asleep already. I smiled and leaned my head against his. I looked over to Tommy and he was starting to fall asleep to.

"Hey big man." I whispered to not wake Tubbo up but enough for Tommy to hear. I tapped my other   shoulder hinting that he can lay on my shoulder to be more comfortable.

"No." He said sternly as he crossed his arms and sunk onto the bench.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged and continued to stare off in the distance.

A little bit later, I felt another weight on my shoulder. It was Tommy. I chuckled as I pat his head. He moved closer to be comfortable.

Both of my friends was laying on my shoulders, sleeping peacefully, not worrying about waking up to another torment. I ran my fingers through their hair until I fell asleep as well while my head was leaning on one of them.

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now