10. Ranboo ❤️

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Universe: Dream SMP

Prompt: Tommy died and Y/N, being one of the people he is the closest to, couldnt take the pain of losing him. Ranboo is there to comfort her despite him having difficulty to cope with a few things.

Word Count: 893

"Tommy is dead.." Sam said as he looked down, breaking the news to us.

I stood there. Frozen. Unable to move. My bestfriend. He is gone. Gone gone. Tears started to form then fall dlwn my cheeks immediately.

"No." I said. "Its not true."

"Y/N, Im sorry but-" Sam tried to explain but I ran away crying before I hear what he has to say.

I ran and ran until I reached the snow biome on where my, Ranboo's, Phil's and Techno's house was. I got into my house and fell immediately to the floor, crying my eyes out. I didnt give a fuck about everything around me. I just kneeled there crying, remembering Tommy's smile, laugh and charm when he tries to make me laugh knowing I will not see nor hear it again. I sat there sobbing not even realizing Ranboo barging in my house, panting.

"Hey." He said as he walked towards me. "Its me Ranboo."

He was about to hug me but I turned to him and stayed back. I put my hand and arm out signalling him to stay back.

"Stay back. Please." I said between breaths. "I dont want to hurt you."

Ranboo realized what I meant but it didnt stop him. He still went closer and hugged me.

"Ive went through worse scenarios than tears dropping on my skin Y/N." He whispered when he got to hug me. "Its okay. Let it all out."

He started rubbing circles on my back. I hesistated to bury my face on his shoulder and he seemed to realize it.

"Its okay." He assured me. "Ill take it and Ill be fine."

When he assured me, I buried my face on his shoulder and cried while he rubbed circles on my back. Even if I hear his skin burn lightly and his hisses, which he was trying to hide, once in a while, he didnt move his body an inch since I got into his arms. I started to get tired and drifted off to sleep.

Third Person POV

When Ranboo realized Y/N's breathing calm down, he knew they were asleep. He carefully carried them to their bed and tucked them in. He left a kiss on their forehead and whispered, "Im okay, don't worry about my burns. Worry about yourself." and kissed their forehead again.

He went home and looked at himself in the mirror. He saw that some parts of his shoulder and neck where Y/N was crying were burned. Not that severe though but it still hurts. Ranboo hasnt paid much attention to it because seeing and hearing Y/N's cries, over the death of a person important to them, hurts Ranboo more.

He wrapped it in bandages handling it with care not wanting to make his burns worse. A little bit later, Tubbo came in.

"Oh!" Tubbo said rushing towards Ranboo. "What happened?"

"Y/N cried." He replied looking down at the ground. "I caught all of their tears."

"Seems about right." Tubbo said as he grabbed the roll of bandages and continued to wrap it on the burned area. "Thats very selfless of you big man."

"They needed me." Ranboo replied. "They needed comfort and I gave it."

Tubbo just smiled but his smile isnt as sweet, obviously, but its still a smile that says 'his friends are meant for each other and he knows it'.

When Tubbo finished wrapping Ranboo's arm, Ranboo immediately went to Y/N's house to check up on them.

They were still fast asleep right where Ranboo left them, sleeping peacefully. Ranboo smiled as he got closer to them. He sat on the floor on the side Y/N as in. He played with their hair until he fell asleep himself.


I woke up and I saw Ranboo on the floor sleeping. 'What is this guy doing here?' I thought. I saw his bandaged up arm and neck and I instantly felt bad for what I did. My eyes still hurt from crying and my heart is still broken from losing a huge part of it.

As I was remembering our memories with Tommy, I started to move involuntarily as I was lost in the memories. With blankets around me, I sat up and got out of bed then sat down infront of Ranboo, my back facing him. He moved his legs for me to have a place to sit. I moved back a little bit so I am leaning back against him. I drifted off to sleep again due to the comfyness of where I was.

Ranboo POV

I woke up when I felt some rustling, I saw Y/N in front of me sitting down covered in blankets. I gave them space to get into and they got my message. They moved back so they were leaning on me now. They look so cute with the blankets all around them and them being tinier than me. I listened carefully to their breathing and when it calm down, I hugged their and I fell asleep a little bit later too.

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