13. Tommy ❄️

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"Tommy?" Y/N called. "Are you here?"

No one replied. Y/N continued to enter Tommy's home.

"Tommy?" Y/N called again. "Tubbo is worried.. Im worried."

She continued looking around until she heard ruckus from Tommy's stone mine under his house.

"Tommy?" She called again, walking down to Tommy's mine. "Are you down here?"

When she got there, she saw Tommy kicking rocks around.

"Tommy." She said. "I finally found you."

"What do you want?" Tommy asked sternly, his back turned to her. He was kicking the rocks towards the larger area of the mine.

"Iー" Y/N was taken back by this sudden reply from Tommy. "I was just looking for you. Tubbo is really worried since you haventー"

"Oh really?" Tommy scoffed. His question has a mixture of annoyance and amazement. "Is he really worried?"

"Yes!" Y/N replied.

"Doesn't seem like it." Tommy shrugged kicking another rock. "He shouldve been looking for me then."

"He's just busy." Y/N said, slowly walking up to where Tommy is. "He's taking care of Michael and Rー"

"Ranboo, because he sleepwalks." Tommy said cutting off Y/N. "I know. I fucking know."

"Tommy, please don't tell me youre upset about Ranboo."

"What if I am?" Tommy snapped back, turning to Y/N. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Why?" Y/N asked. "Why are you so upset with him?"

"Because he's better." Tommy fully turned to Y/N and walked towards her. "Everyone chose him."

"Everyone including Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil, Techno. Everyone!" Tommy's eyes started welling up with tears. "Including you."

"Tommy.. you dont understand." Y/N replied. "He is going through a hard time right now."

"And what about me?" Tommy snarled. "What about the hard times I went through? Did anyone help me? Did anyone care? Did anyone worry? No."

"I went through wars, destruction of the country I loved, death of a brotherly figure to me and when he finally came back, he was insane, and everyone turned their backs against me. Ive went through hell yet no one cared." Tommy continued as tears fell from his eyes.


"They only cared when I died or when I disappeared!" Tommy shouted. "Even when I was in exile no one cared."

"Tommy, everyone cares!" Y/N tried to reason with Tommy but he was already angry enough at the world. His fists were clenched tight and tears were running down his cheeks to the ground. "Everyone just happens to be busy with their own things."

"But when it comes to Ranboo they're not busy, huh?" Tommy turned to Y/N. "You know what Y/N, you tell me what does Ranboo have that I dont? What makes him better?"

"He's not better." Y/N replied.

"Then tell me why everyone chose him." Tommy said cutting Y/N off.

Y/N stayed silent. She didnt know what to say. She loved both of them but she had to choose.

"Just like I thought." Tommy sighed.

Tommy walked towards a ledge of the mines and sat down.

"I think you should go now." Tommy sighed. "I just want to be alone."

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked softly. "I want to make sure you're okay and not in trouble."

"Im fine!" Tommy shouted maybe  little bit harsh. He coughed and lowered his voice. "Ive been through much more worse scenarios."

"Okay." Y/N sighed. "Call me in the communicator if you need me."

Tommy simply hummed. Y/N turned back and walked away. She had her head lowered until she got back up to the surface. As she reach Bad and Skeppy's mansion, a loud noise came from where Tommy's mines were. She turned and ran back, checking to see if Tommy was okay.

When she got to the bottom of the mine, she saw not an unconscious or dead body. She saw Tommy standing on top of the rocks that fell, holding on to an enchanted netherite sword, the evil aura radiating off of him.

"Tommy?" Y/N called, softly.

Tommy turned over his shoulder, meeting Y/N's worried gaze. Y/N's eyes widened when she was met by neon green eyes with death and evil written all over it.

"No.. Tommy.." Y/N whispered, walking back. She yelped as she tripped and fell on her back.

Tommy ran towards her and sticked the sword just right above Y/N's head, startling her. Their eyes met for a moment and then Tommy hesitated and pulled his sword back and ran to the surface.

"Tommy.. what.. what happened to you..?"


(A/N: some miraculous ladybug inspired writing lmao, this isnt intentional, i just realized it at the end. This is actual shit, im sorry its also 4 am rn and im rlly tired so yeh. My mistake for writing this chapter this late)

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