9. Tommy ✨️

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Universe: IRL

AU: MCC Stream w/ Tommy

Prompt: Tommy is competing in MCC and it was also your first time to meet him in person. He did some wholesome interactions with you off stream.

Word count: 1574

Y/N sat there on Tommy's bed with her hands clenched together, holding it up against her face. Tommy is streaming MCC and is currently competing in dodgebolt, a win or lose situation. Both teams have won two times, making the race for that third win much more exciting and thrilling.

Tommy's team, Yellow Yaks with Sapnap, Quackity and Ranboo (I legit made a spin wheel for this lol) are fighting against, Blue bats which consists of Scott, Shubble, Wilbur, and Jack. Tommy and his team barely even passed 3rd place, they got about 3 coins more than the 3rd placers.

Y/N could tell Tommy wants to win badly as the concentration in his eyes was intense as he leans in closer to his monitors. Its not going to make a difference but he still does it anyway.

While he has been streaming, Y/N has been quiet the whole time as she not allowed to coach nor say anything that'll benefit the players. The chat was aware of her presence in Tommy's room as well as his teammates.

While she watched from the side, it pained her to not be able to say anything when Tommy was looking for a block that was obviously in a chest he was looking at while playing build mart. But that doesnt matter now, since he is here with a bow, sliding across the slippery arena against Blue Bats, fighting for a crown and coin, not for him but for Ranboo. Tommy, Quackity and Sapnap's goal was to bring Ranboo to dodgebolt to win him his first crown and coin. They successfully brought him to dodgebolt, now all they need to do is win.

As Tommy pulled back the arrow, eyeing the hopping opponents, choosing which one to shoot for, when for a split second, Wilbur and Jack crossed paths allowing Tommy to have a higher chance of shooting one. He let go of his right mouse button and letting the arrow fly through the virtual arena, hitting Jack's character.

All of them, including Y/N cheered, as they eliminated one of them, three more. Now it was their turn to hop around.

Scott grabbed the arrow that spawned on the middle while Wilbur grabbed the one that shot Jack, both of them aiming at Tommy's team. They eyed their opponents when they made a sudden mistake of shooting one person, which was Quackity, wasting one of their arrows allowing Tommy's team to have three chances of shooting them during their turn.

They all grabbed one each and silently decided who they should go for. Sapnap went for Shelby, Tommy went for Wilbur, and Ranboo didnt draw his arrow yet.

Everyone thought it was to target all of them at once but it was actually a support for one arrow shot.

Sapnap, signalled Tommy to shoot, letting the arrow fly towards Wilbur, missing it by a few pixels, then once Wilbur moved away, Sapnap shot him on the direction he moved to. Scott and Shelby were left and Ranboo still had his arrow to which the other team was not aware about.

When Shelby went for the arrow that was used for Wilbur, the one that missed and the one that eliminated him, Ranboo drew his arrow and shot Shelby, eliminating her from the dodgebolt arena.

Everyone on their own streams cheered, including Y/N. Tommy turned to Y/N to cheer along with her then turned back to his monitors, calming down his hype.


Tommy turned to Y/N again and raised his hand for a high five to which Y/N gladly gave. Tommy turned back to his PC again, going back to his concentrated look.

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