11. Tommy ❤️

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Universe: IRL

Prompt: Tommy wanted you to sleep comfortably so he asked you to sleep in his bedroom while he sleep on his chair. You got worried and told him to sleep next you.

Word count: 914

Today, Tommy and his dad is gonna pick me up at the airport today. Me and Tommy recently decided to do a meet up along with Tubbo and our other friends in Britain. Im pretty excited to see them irl.

Are you here already?

I just got off, Ill get my bags and meet you at the entrance alright?

Kk :D

After I messaged him, I waited for my luggage. When it came, I walked to the entrance. While going down the escalators, I saw Tommy's face light up with joy when he saw me. He ran through the crowd and rushed to hug when I was at the foot of the escalator, his dad following short after.

He let go of our hug and greeted me. "Oh my God!" Tommy exclaimed. "Youre here!"

I smiled back at him nodding. He hugged me back again afterwards. His dad looking at us smiling.

"Hello Sir." I waved at his dad despite being hugged by his son. He waved back then told Tommy to let me go.


I yawned right after streaming with Tommy. We streamed on his alt just chilling with chat playing on Hypixel.

"Im tired." I said after yawning. "Imma go to sleep. See ya tomorrow."

"Aight, goodnight." Tommy replied.

I got downstairs and went to the living room to sleep on the sofa. I didn't mind it, the sofa was soft but its hard to find a comfy spot to sleep on, I mean, as if I have another choice. I layed down and putting on my earphones to listen to music while I sleep. I drifted off to sleep afterwards.

A while later..

"Pssst." Tommy whispered. "Hey."

I groaned then looked at him. "What do you want?"

"Ill let you sleep on my room." He replied. "You seem uncomfortable."

"Im fine." I said closing my eyes again.

I thought he would leave me alone but then I felt him carry me.

"What the fu-!" I said about to shout but then he smirked and cut me off saying, "Shhh. Let me carry you or wake up my parents and get kicked out."

"Gosh, youre so stupid." I said annoyed and still sleepy. It made him chuckle.

He carried me up the stairs to his room quietly. He let me down when we got in and told me just go lay down on the bed.

"What about you?" I asked sitting down.

He shrugged then said, "Its possible to sleep while sitting down so, I can just sleep there."

"No." I shook my head. "You sleep here, I sleep on the floor."

"Oh yeah?" He replied sassily. "Got any blankets to put on the cold floor? Huh?"

I rolled my eyes at him then he replied, "Thought so."

I layed down on the bed facing the wall because I was really tired already. My eyes were closed already but my mind was still awake worrying for Tommy. I heard him sit down on his chair then tried to get comfortable. Knowing he was still awake because he kept making his chair squeak, I spoke,

"You can sleep next to me.." I whispered. "If thats fine with you."

"Are you okay with it?" He asked.

"Would I be telling you to sleep next to me if I wasn't okay with it?" I replied to him then I heard shuffling then felt his back against mine.

"Thank you." He replied.

"This is your bed idiot." I told him. "You can sleep here whenever you want."

"I guess youre right." He replied.

Now, I just realized how close we are. My heart started beating fast, lost about what was just happening. It made me become awake again. It made me nervous and I was breathing pretty quickly but then Tommy turned to the wall and I felt his arms around my waist. This only made my breathing go alot faster. I tried to sleep it off but I got unlucky and my mind is just going everywhere. I tried my best to calm my nerves and breathing down.

After a few minutes, I felt his arm go over my arm and his hand barely touching mine in front of my face.

I felt my face heat up then my heart beat and breathing started going fast again. It gone a lot faster when he crossed his hands with mine. I couldnt do anything, as if I was frozen in place, my mind and my heart is going crazy not knowing what to do but then Tommy spoke.

"Y/N?" He whispered, his breath landed on the back of my neck. It sent shivers. "Youre still awake right?"

"Yes." I answered whispering.

"This is okay right?" He asked. "Im not making you uncomfortable, am I?"

"No, youre fine." I tried to reply in the calmest way possible. "This is fine."

"Okay." He replied then snuggled up to me. He buried his face on the back of my neck, breathing down my back sending shivers on my spine along with it.

When I felt his breathing calm down, I fell asleep afterwards in his arms.

(A/N: i did this while i was tired, it was a draft. I just changed it up a bit so here ya go)

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