24. Ranboo ❤️

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This one is bad but I still hope you guys enjoy!

Im running out of drafts, gimme more ideas so I can supply them lol


"What movie do you guys want to watch?" Ranboo asked Tubbo and Y/N.

"Im good with any." Y/N shrugged.

"Maybe Luca?" Tubbo suggested

"Okay." Ranboo shrugged then scrolled through the movie choices on Tubbo's tv until he found Luca and selected it.

Right now, all three of them are hanging out since Y/N just arrived that day from a 8 hour flight to the UK. He wasnt only tiring himself but also hanging out with them.

A few minutes into the movie, Y/N started yawning. Ranboo noticed it and asked him about it.

"Hey." He called, tapping on Y/N's shoulder. "Do you want to sleep now?"

"H-Huh?" Y/N turned to Ranboo and shook his head. "N-No thanks. Its still pretty early and Im trying to match my sleep schedule."

"Okay." Ranboo smiled at them. "Suit yourself." He leaned back onto the couch and continued watching the movie.

After a few more minutes, Tubbo whined wanting to turn the lights off to make it more cozy.

"Can we turn the lights off?" Tubbo whined.

"Why?" Y/N asked. "The light is totally fine."

"Its more cozy if the lights are off." Tubbo replied and smiled at Y/N. He rolled their eyes in return then looked at Ranboo.

Ranboo chuckled then stood up to turn the lights off.

"Turn the aircon up too." Tubbo added.

"What the-" Y/N was about to complain but it was too late since Ranboo already did it.

Y/N grabbed the "bag" of the bean bag and put it over his shoulders making only his head visible since the couch and the "bag" have the same color, making it blend in the dark.

Ranboo sat back down next to him and continued watching. From time to time, Y/N would yawn and Ranboo would convince him to sleep but he would deny it.

"Y/N, you can just go sleep." Ranboo said.

"No. Im-" Y/N yawned in between. "-fine. I need to get tired anyway."

"Its already 11 pm." Ranboo continued. "You should sleep now. I can see the sleepy tears already."

"I was planning to match your guys' sleep schedule not when its late, I sleep." Y/N explained.

"Can the two of you shut the fuck up?" Tubbo whisper shouted.

"Sorry." Y/N and Ranboo said in unison then chuckled silently. After they chuckled Y/N yawned again. Ranboo sighed and continued watching the movie.

Halfway the movie, Y/N noticed Ranboo felt cold. He has a hoodie on but he still felt cold, while Tubbo, he is just chilling with multiple layers of sock, hoodies and blankets. He just wants the room to be cold.

"Do you want to share?" Y/N asked, whispering. They lifted their arm up to show what they meant.

Ranboo nodded then Y/N put the "bag" over Ranboo's shoulder. Ranboo looked at Y/N and smiled. He smiled back then both of them turned to the tv again.

After a while, Ranboo felt something land on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Y/N leaning on it. They looked up to meet Ranboo's eyes and asked, "Can I stay here?" to which Ranboo nodded in return. He leaned his head against their head as well.

Y/N leaned on Ranboo shoulder probably for the rest of the movie until Ranboo felt his breathing even out. He checked and Y/N was fully asleep. He smiled and said "I knew it." in his head.

He pulled up the "bag" over their shoulder to keep them warm then leaned his head on their head again.

By the end the movie, Tubbo was the only one left awake. He looked over at Y/N and Ranboo who was sleeping cuddled up in the "bag" and keeping each other warm.

"Why couldnt they just admit they like each other." He scoffed, but smiled, and stood up off to get himself ready for bed too.

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now