10. Tubbo & Ranboo💧

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Universe: Dream SMP

Prompt: Ranboo was controlled by a voice(Dream) who ordered Ranboo to get what he wants. Tubbo just so happens to be the one who has what Dream wants.

Word Count: 1333

//TW: Blood, violence, angst//

(A/N: This made me cry while proofreading it so yeah. Or maybe im just a cry baby idk)

"You wont forget me, will you?" Tubbo asked turning to his platonic husband, Ranboo with Michael on his lap.

"No, of course not!" Ranboo replied back. "Why'd you ask that?"

"Been.. I dont know.. anxious lately?" Tubbo shrugged, looking at his feet while it swung above the ground. "You have been forgetting a good amount of people for a while now. You even forgot Michael at one point."

Tubbo turned to Michael to which he smiled at him in return. Tubbo smiled back and turned to his feet again.

"Im just worried you'll forget me one day." Tubbo continued. "And I dont know, hurt me?"

"I wont forget you or hurt you." Ranboo responded, placing his hand on Tubbo's lap. "Besides, I have your name on my ring to remind me of you."

"Ranboo.." Tubbo whispered. "What.. What did he do to you..?"

The mention of their rings made Tubbo look at the ring on Ranboo's finger above his lap. He smiled at the sight of his name engraved on it. He looked at his ring too which has Ranboo's name on it.

There, standing in the middle of a storm, Tubbo and Ranboo faced each other. Tubbo having a netherite sword in his hand, drenched by the storm. Ranboo, having glowing purple eyes with no life in them, the rain touching his skin, not causing it to burn and melt.

"You promise? That you wont forget and hurt me?" Tubbo looked at Ranboo.

Ranboo's stance looked like he was about to pounce at any moment. He has his hand on his side, slightly behind him, opened as if he was about to summon something, and his angry gaze locked onto Tubbo. Tubbo knew that,

"Promise." Ranboo smiled.

this wasnt Ranboo anymore..

"Promise!" Michael chimed in making the platonic husbands laugh.

"Oh Tubbo." A familiar voice spoke. "Glad to see you here."

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Tubbo shouted, looking around to see where the source of the voice is. "What did you do to him?!"

"All I did was make him better than before." The voice replied. "Look, he's standing there in the middle of a storm, not burning!"

"RANBOO!" Tubbo shouted again, gripping tight on the netherite sword in his hand. "PLEASE, WAKE UP!"

"He's not going to wake up anymore." The voice answered. "He's under my control from now on."

"Ranboo.." Tubbo cried. "Please..."

"Im not gonna watch any more of this drama," the voice angrily said. "Ranboo, you know what to do."

Suddenly, Ranboo's eyes looked like it was going to murder anyone who comes his way. He summoned a battle axe in his hand and lunged at Tubbo. Tubbo had enough time to block it using his sword.

"RANBOO!" Tubbo cried out. "RANBOO WAKE UP, PLEASE!"

"Your pleading will do nothing." The voice stated. "The Ranboo you know is completely gone."

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now