17. Bench Trio ✨️

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[PLATONIC with ALL of them]

(This is in like pre-school or daycare idk what yall call it. This is the start of a wholesome friendship between you and bench trio :D)

((This is supposed to be a chapter for Tubbo only but I ended up writing too much of Tommy and a bit of Ranboo so yeah thats why tubbo has more. All of them became friends with you tho so it became a bench trio chapter instead))


Y/N sat there, her face resting on her palms and her elbows resting on her desk. The other kids around her are all hanging out while they eat on one table or out on the playground. She just looked around, feeling envious of the kids around her.

She was new in this school, and of course, like any student in a new school, she has no friends. Yet.

As she looked either around the classroom or outside the window, a boy with curly brown hair stared at her from a far. He noticed that she was alone and wanted to make friends with her but his friends wouldn't let him.

"Toby!" Tommy, his friend, called. "Pay attention to me!"

"I am!" Toby replied taking a sip from his juice afterwards.

"Then look at me." Tommy added. "What are you looking at anyways." Tommy turned to where Toby was looking and saw Y/N.

"A girl?" Tommy asked. "Bleh."

(Lets just act that Tommy used to hate girls lmao)

"What?" Toby asked. "There's nothing wrong with girls. Right Ranboo?"

Ranboo, who was startled, looked at Toby and nodded.

"Why are you looking at her?" Tommy asked. "Do you like her?"

"No." Toby shook his head. "Its just sad she is alone."

"Eh, who cares." Tommy waved his hand and turned to Ranboo and Toby again.

"I care." said Toby, standing up from his chair. "Ill go make friends with her."

"Toby!" Tommy shouted and grabbed Toby's wrists. "Dont! Girls have cooties."

"You have cooties with all of this non sense you're saying." Toby replied, pulling his wrist back. "You cant stop me."

"Whatever." Tommy muttered, turning to Ranboo. "Anyway, so Ranboo thiー"

Toby walked up to Y/N. Y/N had her attention somewhere else and was startled when Toby spoke.

"Hi." Toby greeted. Y/N slightly jumped then looked at Toby's direction.

"H-Hi." Y/N waved. "What are you doing here?"

"Talking to you." Toby replied, then smiled. "Can I sit down?"

"S-Sure. I guess." Y/N replied. Toby pulled the extra chair and sat down.

"Why are you alone?" Toby asked when he finally got comfortable in his seat. "Don't you have any friends?"

"I-I dont." Y/N replied.

"Why?" Toby asked again.

"Im new here." Y/N muttered, looking down on her desk to avoid eye contact with Toby.

"Ohh. Thats why." said Toby. "Ill be your first friend!"

Toby offered his hand for Y/N to shake and smiled. Y/N looked at his hand then Toby. "My name is Toby!"

Y/N hesitantly took Toby's hand but she eventually took it and shaked it. "I-Im Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Y/N!" Toby exclaimed. The sweetest and cheeriest greeting you could ever ask for from a new friend.

This made Y/N smile and reply back a "Nice to meet you too, Toby."

"Come, Ill introduce you to my friends!" Toby said letting go of each others hand and standing up from his chair. "They're over here."

Y/N stood up and followed Toby. They walked over to where Tommy and Ranboo was.

"Hi guys." Toby started. "This is Y/N."

Y/N was hiding slightly behind Toby. She waved at his two friends while avoiding eye contact.

"Hi Y/N." Ranboo greeted, waving.

"Ew." Tommy said. Toby kicked his chair making Tommy say "Ow! Hey!"

Toby stared at Tommy telling him to greet Y/N just using his stare. Tommy got scared and greeted.

"Hi.. Y/N.." Tommy greeted, staring at Y/N. It made Y/N uncomfortable so Toby stepped in.

"Dont stare at her like that." said Toby, stretching his arms and standing in between Tommy and Y/N. "Youre scaring her."

"Good." Tommy turned his back towards Toby and crossed his arms. "So, she can go away."

Toby kicked his chair again making him shout "Ow! Stop that!"

"Ill stop if you stop." Toby replied.

"Never!" Tommy shouted back.

To Y/N and Ranboo seeing them argue was funny, sort of like brothers.

"Can she sit with us?" Toby asked, grabbing Y/N's wrist.

"No!" Tommy shouted. "This is my table! No girls allowed!"

"Ugh! Fine!" Toby shouted back. "Ill sit with her!" Toby grabbed his things from Tommy's table and pulled Y/N along with him back to her table.

Tommy froze as he didnt expect Toby to do that. Toby settled with Y/N in his new table while Tommy stood there heartbroken and Ranboo comforting him.

"Im sorry about him." Toby said after they sat down.

"Its okay." Y/N chuckled. "It was funny."

"Really?" Toby asked with raised eyebrows. "I didnt expect it to be funny."

"Your duo is funny." Y/N said. "Like brothers."

"We do treat each other as brothers. Along with Ranboo, so yeah." Toby said. After that both of them chuckled.

While they chuckled, Tommy and Ranboo walked up to them with their things. Toby and Y/N looked up at them. Tommy had an embarrassed with a mixture of upset expression on his face. He was looking down avoiding anyone's eyes.

"He has something to say." Ranboo said. He looked at Tommy and when he didnt move or react to what he said, he gently kicked his ankles, startling Tommy.

"Ow!" Tommy looked back at Ranboo. Ranboo stared at him and raised his eyebrows reminding him of what to do. "Oh right."

Tommy turned to Y/N and Toby and said, "Im sorry." He sighed. "I shouldnt have been mean and.."

Ranboo gently kicked his ankles again then Tommy looked at him. "Do I have to?"

Ranboo nodded and Tommy sighed. He turned to Toby and Y/N again.

"And girls.. girls dont have cooties. Im sorry."

Toby smiled as well as Y/N.

"I forgive you." Y/N said softly. "Me too." Toby added.

"Now, can we sit with you guys?" Tommy asked. "I missed sitting with you already Toby."

"This is Y/N's table." Toby pointed to Y/N. Tommy turned to her and asked, "Can I?"

"Sure." Y/N nodded. Tommy smiled and then him and Ranboo sat with Toby and Y/N, starting a brand new friendship.

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now