2. Tubbo ✨️

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Universe: Dream SMP

Prompt: Tubbo stole your trident and you went on a chase.

Word count: 975

"TUBBO GIVE IT BACK!" I shouted as we ran past Tommy's hotel and the Bee 'n Boo.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" He shouted as he used the trident he stole from me.

"Shit." I sighed as he disappeared from my view.

I knew he went to Snowchester so I decided to go there to find him.

It took me a while to get there because I dont have my trident.

When I got there I looked at his house and the mansion being built but he wasnt there.

"I swear to God Tubbo," I grunted. "Give me my Trident back!"

I heard him giggle from behind me. He drank an invisibility potion.

"Tubbo." I called out in a creepy voice hoping to scare him, it was night afterall.

I heard some footsteps from behind me and when I looked, there were the snow footprints. The footprints was abnormally small, I was confused why.

I followed it silently as it led to Tubbo's house.

I entered his house and followed the footsteps. It led to the upstairs where Michael's current room is.

I entered his room to not see Tubbo but Michael as his invis wore off.

I sighed and then I smiled at Michael as he just chuckled.

"Michael, what did we say about you staying inside your room at night." I said as I rubbed his head.

"I was bored." He replied.

"Did you see where your dad is?" I asked as I kneeled infront of him to get to his eye level.

"Which dad?" He asked.

I forgot he has two dads.

"The chaotic one." I smiled at him and he smiled afterwards.

"He was running towards the house but left afterwards." He replied. "I asked where he was going, he said he trying to hide from you."

"Yeah he stole something from me." I said with an angry tone.

"He told me not to snitch but since he stole something, I snitch." He smiled and jumped cheerfully. "He went to Dadboo's house."

"Ahh I see." I smirked and then kissed Michael's forehead. "Thank you Michael, you should go to sleep now.

He jumped onto his bed as I tucked him in. I placed my finger on my lips mouthing 'shh' to keep quiet about what we talked about. He did the same and I left.


After hours of travelling, I reached Ranboo's house. I walked towards it trying to catch my breath.

I pressed the button next to his door and I walked in. I rushed downstairs to see Ranboo trading with villagers for his vault.

"Oh Hey Y/N!" He greeted.

"Where. Is. Tubbo." I said with breaths between each word.

"Upstairs, sleeping. What did he do again?" Ranboo asked as he placed down the sticks he was trading with and walked up towards me.

"He stole my trident. Again." I said as I got up the ladder to get to the first floor.

I waited for him to get up before going to the second floor where Tubbo was sleeping.

Ranboo sighed when we saw Tubbo just sleeping hugging my trident. I stiffled a laugh because of how hard he is trying to keep it but he got tired. Probably running away from me.

Ranboo walked towards a drawer under the bed and pulled something from it.

"I saw him writing something here." He whispered and gave me the notebook titled 'Friends :D'.

I opened the notebook and went to the section with my name written on it. I saw that he wrote about what he did to me today. Why he stole the trident and everything.

Today, I decided to troll Y/N :P

I stole her trident that was in her chest. I was sneaky but she came home and caught me. We went on a crazy chase.

I went to Snowchester to hide but I forgot, she knows me very well and she knows Ill end up being here. I was about to leave but Michael saw me. I told him to stay quiet and if someone looks for him, dont tell them.

I left and went to Ranboo's house. I think she wont expect me to be here.

The only reason I was trolling her because it is always fun to have this chase with her. Even before when L'manburg was destroyed, we used to chase each other around and I miss that. To do that, I needed to troll her.

I wish we can hang out like before on l'manburg. Now I have a platonic husband and a son to take care of D:
(Not really >:D)

Ill go sleep. Im tired.

As I read what he wrote I felt my heart melt. He did that so we can do our chasing games that usually last for days.

Ranboo was reading it from behind me and he chuckled quietly.

I looked at the previous date before the one today, and it was from a week ago but it was when we all went on a walk. It was short and didnt even fill half of the page.

The long one before the one today was when we used to live at first l'manburg.

Without knowing Tubbo woke up and greeted me.

"Oh you found me." He chuckled.

I chuckled and closed the book. I gave it to him amd he gave me my trident back.

"You win." He said sounding defeated.

"You lose." I smirked.

We catched up a bit until he asked.

"How did you know I was here? I dont usually go here."

"Michael told me." I smirked.


"He told me thats what you get for stealing from his favorite and only aunt."

I heard him grunt and me and Ranboo laughed.

Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now