25. Tubbo ❤️

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(Sorry for writing too much romantic stuff, idk what to write for platonic lol)

Requested by Dnfshipper2009 but I kinda changed up the plot, also this takes place in the Dream SMP.



Y/N opened her eyes, blinking it awake. She noticed that she was in an unfamiliar place. She immediately stood up and looked around.

He didnt realized where she was. She started panicking as she thought of a way to get out of there. Just then, a boy came into the room carrying a tray of food.

"Oh, youre awake!" He smiled at her although she looked terrified.

"W-Who are you?" Y/N asked.

The boy settled the tray down on the desk in the room and walked towards her. She stepped back after every step the boy takes towards her. He somehow chuckled.

"He finds this amusing?" Y/N thought.

"Okay, I wont go near." He said, shrugging.

"Who are you and where am I?" Y/N asked.

"Im Tubbo." The boy replied. "And youre in my home."

"Your home?" She asked, looking around. "W-Why am I here?"

"You were passed out." He shrugged. "So I brought you in and took care of you."

Y/N had her eyebrows furrowed, genuinely not able to remember what happened before she passed out.

"Can I leave?" She asked, looking up at him.

"I mean yeah." He shrugged. "As long as you eat first. Its your favorite after all."

That last sentence was weird to Y/N but she just sighed. "Fine."

She walked towards the desk and started eating the food Tubbo brought her. Tubbo left her in the room and went off somewhere.

She took the first bite and immediately fell in love with the food. She kept on eating and eating and the food didnt even last that long.

Tubbo was behind the wall, listening in to Y/N enjoy the food. He was just originally waiting for her to eat. You dont know, maybe she will throw it away. After that, he left.

After Y/N ate, Tubbo came back to take back the plate.

"You can go change, there are clothes in the dresser." He said, pointing to the dresser.

Y/N looked at it then walked over. She opened it up and started choosing clothes. She found it weird how almost everything fit her.

"Huh." She said then changed clothes.

After changing clothes, she walked downstairs and was met by Tubbo.

"You ready to leave?" He asked.

Y/N paused then nodded. "Yes."

"Okay." Tubbo said then walked towards the door. He opened it up for her. "Go ahead."

Y/N then walked towards the door, about to go outside but then Tubbo stopped her.

"Oh wait!" He said. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Y/N. "This might help you."

"O-Oh." Y/N muttered. "Thank you."

Tubbo nodded and Y/N walked off. "Stay safe!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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Benchtrio x fem!reader Oneshots || Tubbo, Ranboo, TommyWhere stories live. Discover now