A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

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A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

With the successful rescue of Jedi Knight KANAN JARRUS and Jedi Master AR'IABELe QUINARA, the Rebellion is larger, and more known than ever. The Empire is on the offensive against this larger threat, with Darth Vader at the driving helm.

As soon as she is able, the Jedi Master leaves, with only a holocron note left behind. She doesn't say where she's going, or if she'll be back.

Master QUINARA is on the planet Tatooine where an important discussion will occur...

Okay, here's the prologue for your enjoyment. The first official upload will be in 11 days, on Halloween. Then I will be posting chapters on Monday's and Friday's, possibly Wednesday's...I haven't decided yet. The second chapter will be up on the 1st, and the third one on the 5th and so on and so forth. 

Till then, May the Force be With You, Always

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