Chapter Forty-Seven

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When Ari'abel gets back to the Phoenix ship, she finds her way to Kanan, Ahsoka, Ezra, and Leia. "Looks like you're right on time, we're about to leave," Kanan says, as she approaches the group.

"Yeah," she sighs.

Ahsoka cocks her head, "What is it?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm certain it's nothing. When do we leave?"

Leia looks over at her Master, her eyes squinting slightly, "As soon as you're ready. Chopper's waiting on the Phantom."

"It's not like I need to pack. We can leave now, if everyone is ready."

"Okay, then let's go!" Ezra states enthusiastically, running off for the Ghost.

Everyone begins to follow the Padawan, Leia running to keep up with him. Keen glances behind her to spy the Force presence of her Padawan giving her a comforting look.


Once everyone is aboard the shuttle, Kanan sets it off into space, jumping into hyperspace as soon as he can.

Ahsoka's comm pings, and she rolls her eyes, setting down on the bench opposite the others. A hologram of Rex pops up, his arms crossed, and an eyebrow raised. Keen settles back on the bench, closing her eyes to give the two a semblance of privacy. Ezra stands from the bench, grabbing Leia's arm, and dragging her to the front of the ship, the both of them looking out at the stars streaming past them.

The Jedi Master tries to fall into meditation, but there seems to be something keeping her from connecting with the great spirit that guides them. She focusses deeper, trying to sense why she feels this unease about the mission, but nothing presents itself to her. Keen finally decides to just give up, knowing there must be a reason for the disconnect. She tunes back into the conversation around her to hear Rex say, "May the Force be with you."

She stands from the bench, trailing to the front of the ship as well. Ezra turns to look at Ahsoka, asking, "Why is Rex so worried? Uh, what does he know that I don't?"

"Malachor has always been off-limits to Jedi," Kanan provides, glancing at Ezra from the Phantom's controls.

Leia looks between the three older Force-sensitives, and asks, "Why?"

Kanan sighs, "Old legends. Stories told to us as younglings in the Temple."

Keen gazes out at the stars soaring past the ship at light-speed. "They weren't just legends. Back when I was a youngling, there was still one or two Jedi alive from the time when the Sith were at their most powerful. They were Padawan's themselves at the time of the Great Sith War. I heard their first hand accounts of the battles, and the events that transpired on Malachor. They are still some of the most terrifying stories I've ever had the privilege of hearing. That is why Malachor is seen as so dangerous, and why it has been off-limits for thousands of years."

The group had all turned to look at Keen, the Padawan's forgetting just how old she is. Ezra breaks the silence by asking, "If Malachor is off-limits why would Master Yoda send us here?"

"That's the same question I've been asking myself since we were given this mission," Keen sighs, as the ship jumps out of hyperspace, Malachor filling the viewscreen in front of them. Ari'abel's gaze moves over Ahsoka, and then Kanan, finally settling on the Padawan's. "I need you all to promise me that you will be careful on this planet. I've been having a bad feeling ever since my Master mentioned Malachor, and being here only seems to be exacerbating it. Something bad is going to happen, and I need you all to be extremely careful." The kids nod, fear clearly evident in their eyes, while Kanan and Ahsoka glance at each other. Keen turns looking at them, "This goes for you as well."

"We'll do our best, Keen. You be careful too."

"I will. There's something else you must know. Malachor is known as the birthplace of the Sith, which means the energy, the power, of the Dark Side will be deafening here. You all have training, and I expect you all to use it, because I know just how simple it can be to fall victim to the Dark Side. You need to keep your wits about you. But don't fear, or worry. And certainly don't let your anger control you. Focus your mind on the task at hand, and if need be, the others around you. Keep track of each other, make sure your mind is clear. I cannot stress this enough, be mindful of your actions."

"Any other happy tidbits of information, or advice you can give us?" Leia asks, half smiling, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not really. I could tell you war stories, but I really don't think that will help any of you to stay calm, and not fear."

"Well," Kanan starts, "We don't have much of a choice. We have to go. There's something here for us."

"Yeah, something to help us stop the Inquisitors," Ezra enthuses, his mind clearly still thinking on all that the Jedi Master had said.

"Knowledge," Ahsoka agrees, keeping one eye on Keen.

Through the commlink, the grumbling of the droid filters. Ezra cocks his head, staring up at the ceiling. "A ship? What type?"

The grunting gets louder, and Leia sighs, "Of course, he can't tell. I bet R2 could."

Ahsoka smiles, holding back a chuckle, while Kanan orders, "Track it, let's see who else is interested in this place."

The Phantom begins to lower toward the planet, a large, black spire slowly coming into view. "Whoa! Look up ahead!" Ezra exclaims, leaning forward pointing, "What is that?"

"I don't know," Kanan mumbles, "but the ship we're tracking went there. I'm gonna set her down."

Leia leans around Ezra, taking in the planet wholly, she squints her eyes, gazing across the landscape, "I don't see any ship."

"It's gotta be around here somewhere." The crew quickly disembark the Phantom, and already Keen can feel the Dark Side energy pulsating through the planet. She can tell that Kanan and Ahsoka are sending it as well. "Chopper, try to get a fix on its location," Kanan orders, pointing a finger at the astromech.

The group of Force-sensitives start to walk slowly across the surface of the Sith Homeworld. Standing not far from where the Phantom rests are large monolith's. They stand stark black against the light landscape of the planet. Coating every space of the surface of the monolith's are words written in an ancient language.

"What are these things?" Leia asks, coming to stand beside her Master.

Keen has her pointed finger hovering inches from the stone. , scanning the writings with her eyes, keeping track of her place with her finger. "They're old, especially this writing."

"Can you read it?" Ahsoka asks, leaning over her shoulder.

"It's very old, from far before my time. I'll do my best. You're all very lucky I chose to spend my free time studying dead languages."

Ezra's eyes widen, while a grin starts to spread across his face, "It's older than you!" he says, his gaze trailing to meet Leia's

She smiles in response, finishing the boys thought with, "Then it must be really old."

"Oi!" Keen states, rolling her eyes. She continues to translate the words, beginning to read the alien tongue out loud, the words saying something about the Sith. Her attention is taken from the writing, as Ezra reaches a hand out to the monolith. "Ez, wait, stop!"

Keen is too late, as he places his whole palm against the rock, leaving behind a bright red handprint. Ari'abel rolls her neck, looking up to the sky, wondering to herself how she got stuck with this task. Beneath the crew, the ground cracks open, dropping them down into the catacombs that exist under the planet's surface. Everyone starts yelling as the ground disappears, the group landing in a heap on the floor.

The Jedi Master, who had landed on her feet, looks out at the vast expanse surrounding them. From the ceiling stalactites hang, looking as if they could fall at any moment. The Dark Side is much stronger down here than it was on Malachor's surface. Ezra sits up, panting, following Keen's gaze to the large triangular structure sitting in the center of the catacombs. "What is that?"

"A Sith Temple," Ahsoka answers.

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