Chapter Two

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The Corundum touches down softly, just a couple dunes from Obi-Wan's hut. She leaves her ship, picking her way slowly across the sand, to the Jedi Master's home.

She flings the door to his hut open, without knocking, and announces, "You'll never believe what's been happening in my life!"

Kenobi looks up from his tea kettle, startled. "Have you ever heard of knocking? Were you raised in a barn?"

"Nope," she responds, collapsing into one of his chairs, propping her feet on his table. "Jedi Temple, Coruscant."

Obi-Wan sets the kettle down on the table, two cups beside it. He lifts her feet, knocking them back down to the floor. "Would you care for some tea?"

Keen shrugs, "Sure why not."

Obi-Wan rolls his eyes, settling down in the chair opposite her. He pours the two cups, setting one in front of her. "So, what has been happening?"

"Well, one, Vader caught me, held me for like, a day and a half before he released me."

"Released you?" he questions, after swallowing a gulp of tea. "Why would he do that?"

"I wish I knew. Also, do you remember Caleb Dume?"

Master Kenobi seems to consider the name, "Dume. Dume. Dume. Depa Billaba's Padawan, right?"

"Correct," Keen exclaims, pointing a finger at him, "He survived Order 66, and he's taken on a Padawan himself."

Obi-Wan's eyebrows raise, setting his teacup down. "And I'm assuming that you're helping him?"

"I was. Then Tarkin captured myself, and Kanan." The Jedi looks at her, seeing the pain across her face. "It was...not fun."

Kenobi stands, walking around the table, he crouches beside her. "Are you okay?"

"Y'know, Obi, I really wish people would stop asking me that. Kanan, Ezra, Bail, Ahsoka."

Obi-Wan meets her eyes, "Ahsoka? She survived?"

"Yes, she did. I was just as surprised, and happy as you are."

He looks like he's going to say more about Ahsoka, but realizes the conversation change. "We're not done talking about you. What happened?"

"Oh, you know, your basic Imperial torture. Some fisticuffs, some brain probing, and then electricity shooting through your already tired body."

Kenobi glares at her, "Then what in the name of the Force are you doing here? You shouldn't be flying. You should be in bed." The Jedi picks her up bridal style, carrying her to his bed, laying her down.

"For kriffs sake, Kenobi, I'm fine. I need to speak with you about a matter of great importance."

The Jedi tosses back the rest of his tea, "Okay, after you get some rest." Keen opens her mouth to protest, but Obi-Wan continues, "Don't try to leave, or get up. I will knock you out if necessary."

Keen glares up at him, sticking her tongue out. "Oh, yes, real mature. Sometimes I wonder which one of us is almost 300 years old."

Ar'iabel would've protested more, if she wasn't so stiff, and tired. Her muscles ache, and she's not sure when she stopped feeling her legs. The Jedi Master closes her eyes, relaxing into the bed behind her.


The next morning she blinks her eyes open, through the glare of the sun. She finds a Jedi robe draped over like a blanket, and Obi-Wan looming over her, his arms crossed. "Care to tell me why you're here, and not with the Rebellion, in bed?"

Keen sucks in a deep breath, moving to sit up, only for Obi-Wan to push her back down. "Leia."

His eyes widen, before shutting, as he sighs. "You're going to train her."

"It's what the Force wishes, but I still believe you should try to train Luke. Two Jedi are much better than one, especially Anakin's kids."

"Yes," Kenobi agrees, sitting beside her legs on the bed. "You're heading to Alderaan then?"

"Yep," Keen says, once more attempting to get to her feet. Obi-Wan reaches out, forcing her back down. "Obi, seriously? I have to go to Alderaan, I can't lay in your bed all day!"

He looks at her, "Yes, you get to ship. What happens if you pass out halfway between here and Alderaan?"

Keen shrugs, smirking at him, "It'll be on autopilot. Seriously," she places a hand on his arm, "I will be just fine."

The Jedi Master grumbles something under his breath, Keen only making out, "Stupid, reckless, idiotic friends," before he agrees to let her go. "I just have one stipulation, I walk you to your ship."

Keen rolls her eyes, climbing slowly to her feet. She tosses the robe at Obi-Wan, it falling over his head. "Well, let's go then, Obi."

The two walk for the Corundum, Kenobi making Keen lean on him. "So, what's been up with you, mate? Maim anyone recently?"

"Oh, yes, of course, Keen. I go into Mos Eisley once a week, and make sure to cut off at least one person's arm at the Cantina, it's become a routine. As you know, I'm terrible at undercover work."

"Okay, so no maiming, have you done anything fun?"

"I sit all day on a desert planet, protecting a youngling, who isn't aware he has Force sensitivity, from his own father, who's turned evil, and you and I both know he won't come here anytime soon, because of all the sand. So no, not really been up to much fun."

"Okay, crazy Ben Kenobi has no fun, ever. He's a grumpy old hermit who lives far out in the middle of fragging nowhere. My ship is just over that dune," she nods.

The two walk in companionable silence, until Obi-Wan lays eyes on the ship. "You still have the Corundum? I thought that was stolen."

"It was," Keen shrugs, "then I stole it back."

The Jedi shakes his head at her, "Well, may the Force be with you, Keen. And don't die."

She salutes, climbing into her ship.

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