Dedication and Thanks

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Dedication number two. Let's see what happens, shall we?

Okay, first off, once again this is dedicated to my Lord. With out Him, nothing is possible. With Him everything is.

This is once again dedicated to mojointhetardis for listening to my random thoughts, and y'know just being there. Shes the best second best friend a girl could ask for.

I'm gonna throw in a dedication to Dave Filoni, and George Lucas. Without these dudes, there is no Star Wars, or SWR, which means no Wars Amongst the Stars.

And, while I'm on the subject of Filoni and Lucas, I probably wouldn't have written this without the Mandalorian, so I gotta thank Jon Favreau and Pedro Pascal, cause, Mando is a bop.

Okay, and last, but not least, to everyone who read book one, and decided they need more Keen. You guys are amazing, especially for sticking with these stories.

Alright, I've ranted and raved about all this enough. Time for some angst, fluff, snark, and maybe some tea.

Wars Amongst the Stars: Rebellion: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now