Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Keen and Vader*

Keen continues to hang around in her cell, thankful from the brief reprieve of Vader and his torture. Almost a century ago she had set out on a pilgrimage, to learn more about the Galaxy. From languages, to culture, to even their preferred methods of torture. She would go as far to say that, other than perhaps Jocasta Nu, she knew more about the Galaxy than any other member of the Jedi Order. This was before Darth Vader went, and killed nearly every other Jedi in existence. Without anyone else, not only was she the last member of the Jedi Council, (not counting Obi-Wan and Yoda, who are both currently in hiding), but, also the only human alive who can withstand the torture that the Empire prefers to treat its guests with.

Ari'abel wasn't expecting the room's temperature to suddenly drop to way below the freezing temperature, ice beginning to form on the metal walls almost instantaneously. This leaves the Jedi Master, in her raggedy tunic top, beginning to shiver. She closes her eyes, focussing on feeling warmth, and doing her best to ignore the intense cold coating her hanging form. She lets out a deep growl, feeling the anger that is deep inside of her begin to bubble up.

Just as quickly as the cold filled the room it vanished, replaced instead by heat that could rival the beating of the twin suns on a Tatooine afternoon. The Jedi Master's whole body tenses, and begins to shake and seize, shivers shooting up her spine, and then back down again in quick succession. Her arms are aching, even more so than before. If it were possible, she'd probably be crying from all the intense pain she's been feeling the past few days, but her eyes feel dryer than a desert, the same way her skin feels. She wishes more than anything Darth Vader, and his stupid metal suit were still in that room with her, and yet silently thanks the Force he's not, because she wouldv'e done something very un-Jedi like were he there. She can feel her lungs spasaming, wanting to scream out from the undue pain and stress that they are in, yet they are far too dry to make more than a hoarse croaking sound from deep in her throat.

The heat diminishes quickly, and a pleased Vader glides into the room. "How are you feeling, Ari'abel?"

The Jedi forces her neck to raise, grunting hoarsely, "You can kiss my bantha, Ani. I can't tell you what I don't know."

"I had assumed you would say that." Vader growls.

With those words, the door to the cell slides open, revealing a Stormtrooper, and another prisoner, with a bag over his head. "Wait, I'm sorry, did you like, plan this? Like, you gave him a cue."

Vader ignores her, instead dragging the prisoner from the Trooper, shoving him forward, until he lands on his knees in front of the Jedi. The Stormtrooper steps back, sliding the door back closed. The Sith Lord yanks the bag from the man's head, his face striking somewhat familiar to the Jedi. She's certain she saw that face around the corridors in the Phoenix ship.

Vader can sense her recognition, and he begins to speak once again, "I can tell you recognize him. An Insurgent, much like yourself. You have the option, you hold this man's life in your hands. Either you tell me where Obi-Wan is, or I kill him. Your choice, Quinara."

Keen's hands clench tightly into two fists, flexing against the cuffs holding her, only for an electrical current to shoot down her spine. "I swear, Vader, I don't know anything about Obi-Wan, or even if he survived. You don't have to hurt him, he's never done anything wrong."

"He has rebelled against the Empire, therefore, he is guilty of treason."

"Maybe I am," the rebel speaks up, shocking Vader, "But, I'm willing to commit treason, even die, if it helps to curb the spread of the Empire's tyranny in the Galaxy. If it helps to keep families together, and fed, or even just keep people alive, then that's a task that I'm willing to give my life for. Whatever information you have, General, don't waste it tpo save me. Use it instead to help aid the millions of suffering citizens held hostage under the crushing hand of fascist Empire. I've made my bed and now-"

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