Chapter Six

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The Jedi is brought out from the tank a few days later. She slowly blinks her eyes open, looking around the room. "The med-wing? Again?"

Bail, who is sitting at her bedside sighs, "If you had just came here in the first place, it wouldn't have gotten as bed as it did. Why were you so reckless. That was idiotic, and dangerous. If I could have I would have forced you–"

Keen cuts him off, "Okay, Bail, save the lecture. I get it. I'll take better care of myself."

"See that you do."

Leia strolls into the med-wing a few moments later. "I heard you were awake. Are you alright?"

"Just peachy," she says, climbing to her feet. "We probably have some training to catch up on."

"Before any of that," the viceroy cuts in, "I have a mission for you, Leia. The Rebellion has recently suffers losses in a battle over Lothal. They're in desperate need of ships."

"So we let them steal them," Leia smiles.

"Well, it seems like you've done this before. Let's go."

Bail looks at her, one eyebrow raised. "Are you sure you want to go? The rebels may not be happy to see you."

"I'm not letting my Padawan go alone, Bail. We've got this."


"Do you want to tell me what exactly our plan is? Or do you want me to guess?"

"We'll bring the ships to Lothal under the guise of a Senate-sanctioned relief mission. And then the rebels steal the ship."

"Because if it seems like Alderaan was just giving them the ships, it could spell doom for the entire Rebellion. Smart plan."

"Thank you. My father seemed worried about you coming. Are you still injured?"

Keen crosses her arms, "No, I don't think that's the reason. The Lothal rebels are friends of mine, and I didn't exactly leave in the best way I could've. They probably won't be that happy to see me." The look that Leia gives her shows concern. "But don't worry about me, Princess. I'll be fine."

The Alderaanian ships jump from hyperspace just over Lothal, making their journey for the planetary surface. A group of three TIE Fighters fly out to greet them, as over the comm, a voice states, "Attention. This is Lieutenant Lyste. Lothal is now a restricted system by order of the Emperor. Identify yourselves immediately."

"Greetings, Lieutenant," one of the pilots responds. "We come bearing relief supplies for the citizens of Lothal. Our mission is sanctioned by the Imperial Senate."

"I wasn't informed of your visit nor do you have a landing permit." The pilot sends the permit through quickly, leaning back in his chair. Once again, through the comm, the Lieutenants voice says, "Attention, Senatorial convoy. Your landing has been granted and fighters will escort you to the Jalath City Depot for processing. I'll see you there."

"This is Princess Leia Organa. I look forward to it, Lieutenant. End transmission." Leia turns around to face her Jedi, "Well, there's no turning back now."

"No, I guess not. Once more unto the breach we go."

The crew of the ship moves quickly, getting the ship down softly, and efficiently in Jalath City in a very short time. Keen follows her Padawan to the ramp, allowing her to take the lead on her mission. As the ramp touches the ground, they are greeted by an Imperial cadet, who, to Keen, sounds awfully familiar, "Hey, excuse me, miss. Uh, where's your commander?"

Leia makes a show of surveying the party of Imperials around the landing site, "Not much of a welcoming committee. Trooper," she nods at the man next to the cadet.

He swiftly removes his helmet, revealing the beaming face of the Jedi Knight, "I'm Kanan. This is Ezra. We're from Phoenix Squadron."

Ar'iabel rolls her eyes, as Leia says, "I know who you are. And unless you want the deck officer to know, too I suggest you put your helmets back on and keep your mouths shut."

"Excuse me?" Ezra asks, indignantly.

At this point, Keen can't help but laugh. "You heard the princess, Ez. Shut it," she says, as she follows Leia off to the Imperial commanders.

She can sense the surprise from the Knight and his Padawan. Turning around to walk backwards, she holds a finger to her lips, and winks.

Turning back around, she finds herself almost face to helmet with a Stormtrooper, "Deck Officer, I'd like to start distributing my relief aid."

"Stand by. My orders are to inspect the cargo for contraband and detain these vessels until the lieutenant arrives. Scanning crew, move out."

"Well, this plan's off to a good start," Kanan says, sideling up beside the two.

"Oh, yes, absolutely swimmingly. Where's the rest of the crew?"

"They'll be here, eventually," the Knight responds. Even with the helmet on, Keen can sense his glare. He's about to say something, probably to tell Ar'iabel off, but Leia cuts him off.

"Good. Then you can steal my ships."

"What?" The Knight, as well as his Padawan, question.

"I'll explain later. First I have to deal with the lieutenant. Follow my lead and try and keep up." The Princess walks away, leaving the two Jedi, and Ezra in her wake.

"Wait...Why does she get to give orders? I don't get to give orders." Keen laughs, ushering the boy forward.

"Do you ever listen to yourself?" Kanan asks him.

"Yes, and I happen to be very interesting," he replies, shutting the visor of his helmet.

Ar'iabel shakes her head, watching him march after the princess. She starts to follow him, when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns halfway around, seeing the Knight. "What's up?"

"You disappear for a week. No one knows what happens to you. And then you turn up here, with a Senatorial envoy. No explanation."

She sighs, turning back to the two Padawan's. "Listen, Kanan, I'll explain later. For now, let's focus on the mission."


(Beginning of The Princess on Lothal)

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