Chapter Ten

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"Secure the third ship. I'll handle the Walker."

"Handle the Walker?" Leia asks, looking at Ezra. "How?" she finishes, turning her gaze to Keen.

"You trust them. C'mon!" Kanan takes off across the field in one direction. Keen, Leia, and Ezra run off in the other direction.

The sound of gunfire, and a crashing Walker draws the princess's attention. Through the smoke, and fog, the trio can see a 'Stormtrooper' running around, a blue lightsaber clutched firmly in his grasp.

"Did you see that?" she asks, turning to look at Ezra.

"If you like that," the boy says, stepping forward, "watch this." He takes a few steps forward, holding his arms out in front of him. He draws the Force around him, bringing the blasters of two Stormtrooper's to him. He catches one in his hands, the second bouncing off his helmeted head.

The blaster drops at Leia's feet, and she picks it up. Keen has approached Ezra, starting to help him to his feet. "Get down!" Leia declares.

She fires the blaster at the Troopers, Ezra and Ar'iabel dropping to the ground. Both Imps are shot by the Princess, as Keen climbs back to her feet. "That was impressive, Ez, you're getting better. Well, until you hit your head."

Leak walks over, thrusting the blaster at Ezra. "When do I learn to do that?" she asks her Master.

Shaking her head, the Jedi says, "All in due time. Patience, my young Padawan."

An Imperial transport rolls up, Troopers leaping out onto the field. "We'll handle this," Keen smirks, walking across the field toward the new Imperials, Leia on her tail.

"Thank goodness you've arrived. The rebels are stealing my ships."

Without hesitation, the head Trooper reaches for his comm. "AT-AT 36, you have new orders, shoot to kill. Repeat, shoot to kill."

"No, you can't!" Leia demands.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. We can't let your ships fall into rebel hands. Destroy that ship now!"

Leia watches on, her nervousness beginning to show. Leaning toward her, Keen says, "Don't worry, Princess. They're professionals, they've been through worse."

She looks over at her, "You're sure they'll be okay?"

"Nothing is sure in life, but, I believe they'll be alright."

The final ship raises from the ground, it's engines blowing right at the final Walker. It falls over sideways, the blast knocking the Stormtroopers, Imperial officers, as well as Leia off her feet. Keen, the only person still standing, helps Leia up. The Princess spies Ezra boarding the transport, and rushes over.

"Time for me to go," he smiles. Leia smiles back at him, taking his hand in hers. Suddenly, she tugs on his arm. Confusedly, he questions, "Wait. What are you doing?"

"Stop that rebel! He's stealing my transport!" the Princess calls out. In a quieter voice, so only Keen, and Ezra can hear, she whispers, "Make it look good."

"Oh," the boy replies, smirking, "we gotta make this look good."

Taking a step back, Leia responds, "You have my permission."

"See ya later, Princess," he mock salutes, stunning her with the blaster.

He turns his gaze to Keen, one eyebrow raised in question. Rolling her eyes, she says, "Just this once, you can punch the face." He doesn't need any more nudging. He makes a fist, slamming it against her face. From her position on the ground, she tosses him a wink, mouthing, 'See ya round, Ezzie.'

"The princess!" Lyste shouts, rushing for Leia.

"My ships. You lost my ships!" she declares, glaring at Lyste.

"I'm afraid so."

"You should be afraid! Just wait until I tell the Senate that the Imperial presence on Lothal is helpless against the rebels," she states, shaking a finger near his face.

"No, no, no," he nervously shakes his head. "That won't be necessary. I assure you, Alderaan will be fully compensated for your lost ships."

"Fine. Oh, and we'll need your shuttle so we can return home."

"My shuttle?" He looks scared, glancing around him, "Right. Uh, where is it?"

"Lieutenant," Keen starts, stepping forward, "don't tell me you lost your ship too."

Lyste stumbles back, "I'll summon you another right away."

"See that you do. We need to be back to Alderaan. The viceroy needs to be informed of the developments here, on Lothal."

He scurries away, drawing his comm from his belt. As the Imperial deals with the shuttle, Keen faces her Padawan, hands clasped securely behind her back. "So, what did Bail say?"

A smile spreads across Leia's face, as her head turns to her, "My father said I can stick around. We can take the shuttle back to Alderaan, tell him and mother farewell. Do you know where the Rebellion is based?"

"Yes, I do, or, at least I know where a starship is located. Sounds like a brilliant plan."

End of Princess of Lothal

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