Chapter Twenty-Two

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"So, you think they'll actually succeed? Or do you think they'll just argue the whole time?" the Jedi asks the Padawan as the two round a corner.

"Accomplish the mission, while arguing." The duo peak into a large open space, a core filling the center. "That must be the reactor core for the gravity weapon."

Chopper turns, grunting at the Jedi.

"Wait, you've gotta plan, Chop?" Keen asks.

The astromech once again grumbles at the two.

"We're the bait," Ezra says.

The droid relays the final parts of his plan.

"Okay. Okay. We'll draw them away. Most of the time they ignore droids anyway."

The Jedi Master smirks at him. "You go left, I'll go right. They can't shoot at us, and Chopper."

The Padawan sneaks in to the left of the center control, ducking behind it. Keen isn't nearly as subtle. She strolls onto the platform, calling immediate attention to herself.

"Hold it!" one of the Imperial technicians shouts at her, a blaster pointed to her head.

"Hold what?" she asks, as Ezra jumps down to a lower platform.

The Imp shouts, "We've got an intruder."

"How did they get in? In-tru-da-window?" the Jedi jokes.

"Come and get me," Ezra shouts, flipping back up, his lightsaber waving.

Keen ignites both of her blades, taking a defensive stance as the Technician shoots at her.grumbles about shutting off the gravity, and Keen nods at the astromech, and leaps into the air.  Chopper grumbles, saying he's shutting off the gravity, to which the Jedi nods, leaping into the air, just as it turns off. The Imperials and Ezra float aimlessly around the room. Ar'iabel uses the Force to help her hit the ceiling. Using it as leverage, she jumps down, slicing one of the blasters in half.

"This wasn't part of the plan!" Ezra shouts.

"The plan changed," the Jedi says, floating past him. "Use the Force."

One of the blaster bolts narrowly misses the Padawan, and he glides down near the technician, slashing at him. Keen bounces off a wall, slashing the second blaster just as the system beeps. Chopper grunts, telling them he's going to turn the gravity back on.

"Don't you dare! Don't you do it! Not yet!" Ezra shouts at him. The Jedi, knowing Chop won't listen, immediately drifts to the wall, grabbing a metal beam, just as the gravity turns on.

The Imperials fall like bags of rocks, screaming to the floor way below. Ezra falls,clinging tightly onto the edge of a platform. "Whoa!" he says, as he attempts to pull himself up. The droid casually rolls forward, directly over the boys fingers, "Ow! You better have sabotaged it."

Keen let's go of the beam, dropping gracefully down with a backflip, before landing gently on her feet. She reaches over tugging Ezra up, Chopper wheeling out, ignoring them, grumbling.

"Now just hang on, what do you mean you think you sabotaged it? You're not sure?" she calls after the astromech.

Ezra and Keen glance at each other, following the droid out into the corridors. Ezra's commlink beeps almost as soon as they leave the reactor core room. He pulls it out, and says, "Kanan. We're on our way back. Where are you?"

"We're headed for Sato's ship."

"Roger that."

"We got the reactor sabotaged, so let's get going while the going's good."

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