Chapter One

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Keen was once again forced into bed rest, this time by Ahsoka.

"Soka, I swear I'm fine."

"I didn't ask. You and I both know what Kix would say. He would put you on bedrest-"

"And then I'd get out of the bed," the Jedi cuts her off.

"And he'd carry you right back," Ahsoka replies, putting herself in the chair beside Keen's bed. "And if necessary, knock you out."

Master Quinara turns her head in the Togruta's direction. "You're probably right. But, we don't have a Kix, or any Clone medic, to force me to stay here."

The Grey Jedi smirks at her, "Maybe not, but we've got a pretty big operation here, so, I'm pretty sure one of them can keep you here."

In response the Jedi raises an eyebrow, "Am I to take that as a challenge?"

"No," Ahsoka responds, rising from her seat. "I'm going to go and check in with your team. You," she points a finger at Keen for emphasis, "are going to stay here. I'll see about bringing the Corundrum here also, before you ask."

"You're a star, Soka, truly."

Over her shoulder the Togruta calls, "Tell me something I don't know."

Keen smiles, shaking her head. She grumbles some curses under her breath about the bed rest, dropping her head against the pillow. She closes her eyes, and summons the Force around her. She focuses closely on the planet of Dagobah, hoping to receive a reply.

"Master Quinara, hmmmm?"

"Master, I need to speak with you, rather urgently." Her vision focuses in on the Jedi, sitting in his hut.

"Troubles you, something does. Tell me, you shall."

"Of course, Master. As I'm sure you're aware, Obi-Wan is unable to train the Skywalker boy," she stops to take a deep breath. "As you know, our options are limited, but, I believe, as the Force has revealed, it is time to train the girl."

"Feeling this as well, I have been. Train her, you must. Inform Master Kenobi, you shall."

"Of course. I've already talked with Senator Organa, and he agrees. I shall leave as soon as possible to see Obi-Wan."

She snaps her eyes open, only to find Kanan looming over her. "Gah! Shiraya's word! Don't sneak up on a meditating Jedi."

A smirk crosses the Knights face. "I'll be sure to consider that next time." He crosses his arms, leaning against a table beside the bed, "How bad was it? For you I mean."

Keen sighs, "Wilhuff and I have a history. I've never liked him, and it was a mutual feeling. He had the control over me, so he decided to double the torture. I was extremely near death, but nothing I can't handle."

"And yet you didn't break."

"Who said I had anything to tell them?"

He raises an eyebrow, "You knew about this whole outfit." She opens her mouth to protest, but Kanan continues, "Don't try to deny it. I just want to know how long you've known about it for."

Ar'iabel sighs, looking down, "I learned about it just after I escaped the Empire the first time."

"What, and you didn't think to tell me? You didn't think I deserved to know?"

She turns her eyes up to meet his, "I was going to tell you. After we took the Communications Tower. Even though the Rebels swore me to secrecy. You, Kanan, are my friend. Secrets between friends, they ruin relationships."

The Knight nods, "Okay, I believe you. Ezra wants to come in, and see you, then, Hera said something about showing us around. How is it, you always end up in the medwing?"

She shrugs. "Enjoy yourself."

The Knight smiles, pushing himself to his feet. "I'll send Ezra in then. See you soon."

Just as the Knight leaves the Padawan rushes in. "Hi."

"Hey, Ezzie."

The boy gulps, "How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Never been better. How are you?"

He smiles, sitting down on her bed. She scooches over, and he lays down beside her. "Y'know, I was really nervous when you and Kanan got taken. In fact, Hera specifically told me, and Sabine, Zeb, and Chop not to look for you, and we disobeyed her."

Keen sucks in a quick breath. "And you're all still alive?"

"I know, crazy right? Anyway, I may have made a mistake, when looking for you."

The Jedi props herself up on her elbow, facing the boy. "Really? What did you do?"

Quickly, in one breath, Ezra blurts, "So I may have told Vizago that Kanan and I are Jedi, and then agreed to do a favour for him, no matter what it was. And Sabine, Zen, Hera, and Chopper all know about this, but I'm pretty sure when I tell Kanan he's going to kill me."

Keen reaches over, ruffling the boys hair, "Tell him. Tell him why. He won't be that mad, although, he probably will be mad for a while. No matter what, you'll be fine."

A smile brightens the Padawan's face, as he wraps his arms around the Jedi. She winces at the pressure on her ribs, but, happily returns the hug. Ar'iabel shoves Ezra off the bed, him landing on his feet. "Go, enjoy yourself. You deserve it."

He waves, running out of the room, calling over his shoulder, "Will do! Thanks Keen!"

As soon as the boy is out of the room, she rolls to her feet, standing up. The Jedi inches out of the room, using the Force to sense which corners to turn around, so as to avoid anyone else. After a few close calls, she successfully arrives in the dock, to see the Corundrum in the far corner. "Wow, Ahsoka sure works fast," she murmurs, taking off across the dock. Keen stops for a few kliks, to drop a holocron by the Ghost.

She climbs aboard her ship, preparing herself to leave the people that she made over the past months. The people she knows as family. But, the Jedi Master has a job to do, and a Padawan to train. "Well, to Tatooine I go again."

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