Chapter Seventeen

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The trip back to the Phoenix Squadron is about halfway under way. The Clones are around the holo-table, playing a game of chess. Ezra is sitting across the room watching. Keen hasn't seen much of Kanan and Hera since getting back on the ship, but she has an inkling as to where they are.

Gregor cheers as the game comes to the close, clearly the victor. She smiles at them. "It's nice seeing you finally winning. This never would've happened if Anakin or Obi were here. Kriff, even Ahsoka would beat you."

"That's one thing we never did figure out. How to beat Generals Kenobi and Skywalker at chess," Rex grumbles.

Keen glances over, head resting on the palm of her hand, elbow on the arm rest. "That's simple, they cheated," she shrugs.

The Clones turn and look at her incredulously, until Rex grumbles, "Cody and I knew something was up, never could prove it though."

"You owe me twenty credits," Gregor grumbles at Wolffe.

"That bet ended when the Republic ended."

"I was honestly just waiting for you lot to figure it out."

Wolffe turns to look at her, "So, were you cheating too?"

"Who, me? Nah, that's just skill."

"I wanna see you win." Ezra calls.

"Gotta admit, Ezzie. I'm a bit rusty, but sure, I'll be more than happy to give it a shot."

"Might as well," Rex grunts, "Not like you can go to sleep. At least not for another couple of hours."

"What?" Ezra asks, standing to walk over to the table. "Why not?"

Keen looks over at him, "Possible concussion," she taps the side of her head, "You don't want to attempt sleep with a possible concussion. One might not wake up."

Ezra looks confused for a few moments, until the holo-chess game starts.


Kanan glances over at Hera, cheering and arguing heard from the common area. He pushes himself from the copilot seat, stepping out of the cockpit.

Walking back through the ship, he steps through the common area door, finding the Clones, and the rest of his crew gathered around the holo-table.

He stops just through the door, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. The rowdy bunch gathered about the table causes a smile to form at just the corners of his mouth.

"You haven't lost your game, General," Rex says. "You sure you aren't cheating?"

"Seriously? I told you I didn't cheat. I'm old, I've had lots of practice. Almost 300 years, and you don't think I can win on merit?"

"Now, I didn't say that," the Clone responds, as his K'lor'slug gets taken out. A few moments later, it's clear who the winner is, as the Ghost crew starts cheering. The Jedi Knight shakes his head, walking back up to the cockpit.

As he re-enters, the Twi'lek captain turns to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't worry about it. The kids deserve some fun after everything that's been happening."

"How are Keen and the Clones doing?"

"Leading the chaos."

Hera flips some switches, "They deserve to have some fun, too."

The Knight sighs, collapsing into his seat. "Honestly, I know you're right, but still, that face haunts me. Hera, I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it."

The Twi'lek reaches over, a hand on his cheek. "You'll get used to it, it'll just take time."

Kanan looks at her, reaching up to hold her hand, "I hope you're right."


About a day later, the Ghost lands back on the leading Phoenix ship. The whole crew leaves the docking bay, to run into Ahsoka just through the door. She looks at them questioningly, a hopeful look glinting in her eyes.

The team steps aside to allow Rex passage to the Togruta. "Commander," he greets, "You got old."

"Had to happen sometime, Rex," she replies, stepping towards him. The ex-Jedi Padawan throws her arms around the Clone Captains shoulder, surprising him.

"I'm glad you're still alive," he says, returning the embrace.

"You too." Ahsoka pulls away from the hug.

Rex steps back sweeping an arm at the Ghost crew, "Well, I wouldn't be if it weren't for these guys."

"Thank you for trusting my friend," the Togruta says, addressing Kanan.

"It wasn't easy. It's still not."

"Nothing worth doing ever is," Keen tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

The group turn to walk down the corridor, when from an adjacent one, Leia steps out. "Master," she calls, waving at the Jedi.

"Hey, Princess."

Ahsoka and Rex's eyes are immediately drawn to the Padawan, both pairs of eyes widening. The Jedi glances over at them, just out of the corner of her eyes. Kanan notices the looks, immediately walking over, drawing the princess under his shoulder, speaking in low tones. The other rebels follow, leaving Keen, Ahsoka, and Rex in the hall.

The Clone is the first to speak, a single eyebrow raising. "Care to explain, General?"

"Sorry?" she feigns ignorance.

"Do you want to tell us why she looks just like Senator Amidala?" he states more clearly.

"Or why her Force-signature resembles Skyguys?"

"Ah. Well. I guess I should've seen this coming. She's their daughter. She's got her mother's looks, but her father's temperament, no matter how much Bail tried to use diplomacy to make her more like her mother."

"Anakin had a daughter! And he never told me!"

Keen scrubs a hand through her hair, "Well, she was born the day the Jedi Purge began," she sighs. "The day Padmé died."

The three Clone Wars veterans each look down sadly, the pain from everything that happened still fresh in each of their minds.

End of The Lost Commanders/Relics of the Old Republic

Here you guys go, a random Wednesday upload. 

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