Chapter Thirty-Two

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The taller Lasat glares at the Imperials, growling, "Where are you taking us?"

The officer supervising the Troopers answers, "To a detention facility for a nice, long stay."

The Lasat scoffs, "More likely a blaster squad."

Popping up behind two Stormtroopers, Zeb attacks, knocking them both out in one swift move. Kanan, Hera, and Sabine leap out from behind some crates, shooting three more Stormtroopers. Keen leaps off the top of a crate, knocking the sixth one to the ground, punching him, with the Force making it a harder punch than should be possible from a person her size. The Imperial Officer gulps, as three blasters are levelled at his chest. He slowly begins to back away from the rebels, unaware of the Padawan behind him, who immediately shoots him with his lightsaber.

From behind the boy, a very familiar Weequay appears, waving slightly, "Hello, hello! You arrived just in time, as I knew you would."

Keen's thumb and forefinger move to the bridge of her nose, sighing deeply upon seeing Hondo Ohnaka.

"You could have warned me the Empire was here," Ezra comments.

"Ah, but I sold the Lasats to the Empire knowing the heroes would save the day," he waves his index finger in the air as he speaks, pausing to chuckle, "You being the heroes, of course."

Ari'abel rubs a hand over mouth, commenting, "Hondo is your contact?"

"To be fair, he contacted me."

"Yes, Quinara, to be fair. Because I knew these two," he points to the two Lasats,  "belonged with that one," he finishes by pointing straight at Zeb.

The taller Lasat, his eyes landing on Zeb smiles, "It is him. Captain Orrelios."

The older, female Lasat gasps, "By the Ashla. The Prophecy!"

Ignoring the female Lasat, Ezra turns to Zeb, and asks, "Captain?"

"Yes," the older Lasat replies, "Captain Garazeb Orrelios of the Lasan High Honour Guard."

The Ghost crew's Lasat groans deeply, placing his head into his hands. The Jedi Master smiles at him, and Hondo taps her on the shoulder. He smiles at the Lasat's, commenting, "A reunion! I was right again. How wonderful." He then nods down at the unconscious Imperial at his feet, "Hondo could use a little help."

Keen rolls her eyes at the Weequay, grabbing the Imps shoulders, while Hondo picks up his legs, dragging him into the crate that the Lasat's had just left. "What are you doing, Hondo? You've never been this nice to anyone, not even Obi-Wan."

"Ah, well. The Empire has been bad for business. Yes, very, very bad."

"So you're helping the Rebellion, so that you can help yourself."

"Exactly," he proclaims, flailing his arms out. "And here my crew always talked about how idiotic you Jedi were."

"Oh, thanks. I'll try not to be insulted."

"Now, now, Quinara," the Weequay comment, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "Hondo himself would never say such a thing about you, no, no, but, Hondo has no control over his crews."

The Jedi smiles at him, shrugging his arm off her shoulders. "Yeah, whatever you say, Hondo. I'm shocked to say it, but I am glad you survived the Clone Wars." She steps out of the crate, joining back up with the rest of the crew. Sidling up beside Kanan, she quietly inquires of what all she missed.

"Zeb was a Captain of the Honour Guard of Lasan. Gron, the taller one, served under him. The other one is Chava the Wise."

"Got it, thanks."

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